Random Jabber Jibber thread


What's your thoughts on the above? I'm always getting emails advertising. SEEMS like it could be of value but...

Different procedure(s) here but interesting article, full body $$$ MRI scans.
Our private healthcare system has been second to none. If you can afford concierge medicine go for it is my take.
First year med school we were dying of everything.
Working with Cancer patients for so many freakin years whenever something ill happens with me I always think it’s cancer. It’s fucked my head up. That’s why I can only take working with cancer patients for small chunks of time . Finishing up a travel assignment now at a cancer center and moving over to the hospital for more general studies including cardiac. Excited for more variety.
Working with Cancer patients for so many freakin years whenever something ill happens with me I always think it’s cancer. It’s fucked my head up. That’s why I can only take working with cancer patients for small chunks of time . Finishing up a travel assignment now at a cancer center and moving over to the hospital for more general studies including cardiac. Excited for more variety.
Yeah I don't miss Astrocytomas and Glioblastomas especially in peds.
Yeah I don't miss Astrocytomas and Glioblastomas especially in peds.

"The world needs all kinds people ". How f'ing true. I could never " wrap my head " around a pursuit of that nature . I can barely stand waiting in the doctors office, let alone going to hospitals......the stale air reeks of sickness , disease, death . It really creeps me out . However, without people who rise above that shit , I'd have been dead a long ago. Thanks to all of you righteous healers ! That life has to be a f'ing challenge.........intense , emotional, consuming, blended with emotions of satisfaction and fleeting moments of bliss.
Music will really date a person . I was listening to some " Doors " and " Led Zepplin" and was thinking that the tunes were over 50yrs old, l think I'm in those
" Twighlight Years ". ( Twighlight , a wonderful metaphor ........best euphemism ever. ) . Getting old ain't for lightweights ............ just keep moving!