Oh that was close... or wasn't. Not sure yet, I'm paranoid. So, I was driving 6miles over the speed limit, and a police van passed me. They seemed to be in a rush and got distracted wondering how the hell is that little car driving so fast (it's called a turbo...) and they went on my lane and slowed down, forcing me to slow down. High af, car full of smoke, I look at my wife and I'm like this is a 100-road right? (meaning 100km max) and she's like, high af too, I don't know there's 4 lanes so I guess so, want me to check on my phone (SIri knows....) and I'm like no I'm pretty sure, fuck it, I start pushing the cops for driving too slow and they slow down even further and we're like shit oh fuck, expecting the red "Follow" sign to start flashing any moment and then suddenly they took off.
And then I noticed the shitty tiny little 6-inch diameter speed signs along the road saying '80km'... turns out I was going more than 20miles over speed limit. Oops, that's only a 250 bucks fine. By law they are required to stop me and hand over the fine (and to determine I'm the actually the driver not just car owner). Wife looks at me and goes "you lucky ... " It's true regardless, the fines for DUI of cannabis is pretty silly nowadays. Could be worse though, I could be holding a phone...
Still, not all hope is lost regardless, I'm ridiculously good at talking my way out of trouble with cops. Picked that up as a teenager. I got so many stories. Got to give it to them, somehow they always know I don't do rules and I'm certainly up no good. I try so hard to look like a decent citizen but somehow they ain't buying it. I'm thinking I should be getting one of those Jesus necklaces... "praise the lord our savior".
If that doesn't work I'm getting a face tattoo and glow-in-the-dark lenses and just own it.