Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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I Love You Guys. I can honestly say that a dopey forum has allowed me to garner alot of different valid perspectives. Even the ones I don't agree with I am thankful for.



Well-Known Member
I know exactly what ya' mean, Kinetic. Like I said, all the therapy in the world couldn't bridge the gap, the wonderful (and horrible) folks here, and a little green herb, that tastes great in a pasta bowl, or a glass bowl, have actually really helped me start to bridge the gap. I can walk outside, and socialize now, something I couldn't pull off, last year.


Staff member
so my neighbours are a bit odd not sure how i feel of them they offered to help last night which was very nice but the guy seems very insecure, like massive emotional problems its also really odd he has my name tattooed on his hand i donthave a common real name but his daughter has the same name as me
anyways they were in my apartment until 3 am im like thinking dear lord people im tired leave ! lol anyways they were very nice just odd .LOL

i have to work again today i wish my job would give me a damn day off so i can friggin move all my stuff out and in and resettle my friggin life lol


Well-Known Member
Glad things are starting to look up for you sunni. Hope you are able to get completely moved in very soon. I bet that will be a huge relief for you. Wishing you a great day and hope work goes by quickly for you.


Well-Known Member
I don't like neighbors that stay too long. Most don't though. That little coincidence, Sunni, might just be the thing that makes him snatch you out of the way of an oncoming car, in 20 years, when you don't know who the fuck he is, any more...

Now, were they creepy, with their extended stay, or just curious and "ooooh, look at the new neighbor! Lets make friends, cuz we're bored to death with our lives!" That makes a HUGE difference in the situation. Also, take it from me -- you most definitely need to make your company give you a day off. It's a bit of a "life emergency" and the government doesn't look kindly on companies not respecting that.


Well-Known Member
as me
anyways they were in my apartment until 3 am im like thinking dear lord people im tired leave ! lol anyways they were very nice just odd .LOL

i have to work again today i wish my job would give me a damn day off so i can friggin move all my stuff out and in and resettle my friggin life lol
Say I have to work tomorrow and need to go to sleep is all you should need to say if not don't let them come over again.

And your boss is an ass for not giving you time to get your life back in order. Tell them you need time to get things right.

I mean ask your self this... Why do I work?
Stand up for yourself.
My .02


Staff member
well its the weekend i work in a resturant they need me lol i feel bad asking and i have she said she will most certainly see what she can do , but i dont wanna let the kitchen staff down ya know?


Well-Known Member
Well as long as your employer isn't being put out god forbid, they live in a basement?? They get flooded out??
What have they lost from the flood??
Sorry but I hate seeing people getting used..


Well-Known Member
family business can sometimes be tough because those in charge dont want to be looked at with less respect for doing something too nice for their own. This often gets overlooked when its actually needed and instead the subject gets made to ne used for an example.