Well-Known Member
How timely??!! The foreign fairy just bought herself a fairy present. An i-phone case with built in V card weed grinder

i was looking up phone reviews on youtube and well we all know how youtube goes.. so im just going to leave this here. [video=youtube_share;HP3JWI6yXks][/video]
So my wife's been getting what I think is motion sickness ever since she had the baby. She finally goes to the doctor today to make sure it's not anything more serious. Her doctor calls me and asks if my wife's ever had a Pertussis shot. Ok, you're her doctor, shouldn't you have all that information? Seriously? She says something about us having the baby and how we all need Pertussis shots. Ok great, well as her doctor isn't that your job to know what she has and needs? She actually never answered me. My wife gets home and says they gave her "a" shot and a prescription for the motion sickness and ordered some blood tests to make sure it is just motion sickness. The prescription is basically $40 Dramamine II. Evil cunts. I'm kind of freaking out about whether the doctor even checked if she already got a shot and can't even see on the receipt what shot she actually got. Anybody work in the field know any side effects if she did indeed get multiple shots? Tried googling but it's such a mess.
Wait let me get this straight. She goes in for dizziness, nausea and vomiting and he up sells her a Bordetella Pertusis vaccine after phoning you and violating her HIPPAA rights, right?
Last night I could see the smoke getting pulled in my filter.It made it go away quickly could barely smell it either.So your air system in your lights will cover up a issue with ease.
I can't really explain it any better,but I'll try.IMO-(I'm a dumb fawker fwiw)
The better its sealed,the harder it is to discover.IE- attic,crawl space,etc
The short circuit can burn you down even if there is nothing combustible behind the glass.Maybe you'll trip a breaker,maybe you won't.Mine didn't trip.
I am putting a smoke alarm in the ducting of my air cooled hoods today
....snip...... But seriously, shouldn't her doctor have that information?
Yes if she gave her the shot it should be in her records. If it isn't I would find another physician. I make it a point to formally ask for all my medical records after dictation. So it's a shared responsibility. Especially with your child be sure you have a vaccination record.
What about if she got the shots in the hospital after she had the baby? Surely her pcp can find that out before giving shots willy nilly right?
If the arcing were to continue eventually it LIKELY would have tripped the breaker. It would be very unlikely to cause a fire in that narrow instance. But....smoke detector in the duct is not a bad idea. I've installed many in rooftop units and such. Some of them are pretty pricey and can be set up to shut the equipment down if smoke is detected.
Fifty years ago tomorrow, November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and the world changed.
Vaccines are an area of shared responsibility.
If your wife had a vaccine from this person then yes. But if she did not have her OB/Gyn transfer in her records or any other physicians then there is no reason her current doctor would know of past inoculations unless your wife kept track of her own.
I'd head over here and make a record for you, your wife so that way this can't happen in the future.
Here is the CDC info on recommended adult vaccines.
Childhood vaccines:
it's the difference between "could" and "will". I got bent over because i was too damned lazy to take charge of my own med. records.