Random Jibber Jabber Thread

damn I have shit organized.. found it..


*left to right.. Neighbor kid.. (sister shared the same bday as me.. and she was SMOKING HOT.. she would sun bath outback and we would watch her from the top window.. we were pervs.. she caught us a few times and we acted like we were looking out into the woods behind our house.. anyways.. medibles making me ramble :)

Left to right..
Neighbor kid with the hot sister.. then... My brother the Goliath 14year old.. (he's 11 mo's 1 day older then me.. ) my lil sister ..my ginormous self.. with my dog Patches..

notice the fozen pant legs... the pic was in front of our direct walkway.. walkway was a good 10 foot long we had 4 neighbors who we had to shovel for with only 1-2 kids helping us.. dad made sure this was done.. he was an E-9 an instructor... all the neighbors we had were newly enlisted with younger kids struggling.. so he felt it was fair for us to do it.. we would complain but only because he insisted we get out and do shovel early like around 6am.. we would take all the snow from their sidewalks and pile it against the garage to make 6foot snow forts..

effing bell bottoms on my brother??? no... these are dads squid pants.. hand me downs from them.. I loved the belts buckles.... dad gave us plenty of these..


crap I am gonna see if wifey wants me to wake her up ...
Fuck you! And merry xmas, I am so green now.
Lol no fuck me my future sister in law is a bitch..she's 8 months pregnant..and she thinks its ok to drink once a month when pregnant...did I mention she paid a fortune for a lab to create her baby...she was a stunt women in Hollywood .. Total female douche bag...she kept asking me personal questions about my life. then she would tell me how she felt about my choices...she almost caused my boy friend and I to argue..my man wanted me to bite my lip and not respond to her nasty comments or cheap shots...which I did since I was at his mothers. She even tried taking over control of my puppy...her man had my back which broke the tension...she even be littles her own husband..."did u deposit the tenants rent like I asked" who says that in front of people... Lol rant over..I blame the meds..
Lol no fuck me my future sister in law is a bitch..she's 8 months pregnant..and she thinks its ok to drink once a month when pregnant...did I mention she paid a fortune for a lab to create her baby...she was a stunt women in Hollywood .. Total female douche bag...she kept asking me personal questions about my life. then she would tell me how she felt about my choices...she almost caused my boy friend and I to argue..my man wanted me to bite my lip and not respond to her nasty comments or cheap shots...which I did since I was at his mothers. She even tried taking over control of my puppy...her man had my back which broke the tension...she even be littles her own husband..."did u deposit the tenants rent like I asked" who says that in front of people... Lol rant over..I blame the meds..

Oh baby that is Xmas! At my house until you squared off liberally lubricated it wasn't xmas LOL! The older folks kept you from really getting injured and when the twins would show up (6'7" played for the Rams), they'd pull the rookies off the field. No one got hurt, you aired all your shit and started clean in the new year. If you can't fight with family then who can you fight with?
im pretty sure you can have a small glass of red wine while pregnant or something like once every other month or osmething
Oh baby that is Xmas! At my house until you squared off liberally lubricated it wasn't xmas LOL! The older folks kept you from really getting injured and when the twins would show up (6'7" played for the Rams), they'd pull the rookies off the field. No one got hurt, you aired all your shit and started clean in the new year. If you can't fight with family then who can you fight with?
. I'd rather not be the one to make a pregnant chick cry...lets hope it was hormones..I do lol.
im pretty sure you can have a small glass of red wine while pregnant or something like once every other month or osmething
See I strongly disagree but didn't feel it was my place to say so...I want the respect of my man over feeling that I'm right.... But everything I read says NO ALCOHOL....why would red wine be ok? Besides she drank 3 large white which seemed so wrong..considering she did invitro....meh guess I'm just as opinionated but I've learned to not expect others to see things as I do. And I also know when to use my inside voice...
See I strongly disagree but didn't feel it was my place to say so...I want the respect of my man over feeling that I'm right.... But everything I read says NO ALCOHOL....why would red wine be ok? Besides she drank 3 large white which seemed so wrong..considering she did invitro....meh guess I'm just as opinionated but I've learned to not expect others to see things as I do. And I also know when to use my inside voice...

im a big no alcohol person either
but i read somewhere like a year ago that 1 small glass of red wine during pregnancy is fine obviously 3 big ones is a no no LOL anyone knows that
Consequently the Department of Health recommends that women should either avoid alcohol completely during pregnancy or have very little.

Its guidelines state that women who do chose to drink should consume no more than a medium-sized glass (175ml) of wine, two units, twice a week.

But Danish researchers have now found that drinking up to three times that amount appears to have no negative effect on children.

They decided to examine the issue because few studies have looked at the health effects on children of light or moderate drinking during pregnancy.

For those who do choose to drink, the NHS advises not to drink more than one to two units of alcohol once or twice a week.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) advises pregnant women should avoid alcohol in the first three months in particular.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...asked-small-glass-red-wine.html#ixzz2mo9g8jQ4
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now i am no way advocating drinking heavily while pregnant, however i do feel like if its christmas dinner and you want a small glass of red , white or sparkling wine KEY WORD SMALL

i feel that would be okay as long as your past 3 months
How come.... I light up a bowl.... then think of something really funny to write here in Random....
and every fukkn time, I wait for puter to boot up .... I forget what was so funny, and always stare at key board, with a:
"What was I going to say again..."

Every fukkn time... WTF.....

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aa me
son of a bitch... just tapped out slide to ready to clean...
sob f/n glass bowl just broke....
where's the back up...
How come.... I light up a bowl.... then think of something really funny to write here in Random....
and every fukkn time, I wait for puter to boot up .... I forget what was so funny, and always stare at key board, with a:
"What was I going to say again..."

Every fukkn time... WTF.....

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aa me
. Someone needs some sticky notes...
OR third option non alcoholic sparkling wine, those taste great add a rim of sugar and a raspberry and bam!

now i am no way advocating drinking heavily while pregnant, however i do feel like if its christmas dinner and you want a small glass of red , white or sparkling wine KEY WORD SMALL

i feel that would be okay as long as your past 3 months

Bingo after neural tube development you aren't going to do a lot of damage. FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), really took some doing to accomplish. I'm from the medical community back in the day when we saw it regularly. Sadly the most damage done is usually before a woman knows she's pregnant. That's neural tube time.

The problem isn't a rare drink later on it's consistent drinking throughout was where we saw the most damage. But I don't think it's wise to encourage alcohol use at all. It's some pretty damaging stuff. It isn't completely quantified but it would be specious to say we don't have parameters on it.
How come.... I light up a bowl.... then think of something really funny to write here in Random....
and every fukkn time, I wait for puter to boot up .... I forget what was so funny, and always stare at key board, with a:
"What was I going to say again..."

Every fukkn time... WTF.....

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aa me

I hear ya.. I will wake up in the middle of the night and make a memo on my cell.. thinking that thread is golden.. and then read it when I wake up thinking,.. how high was I?

some are gems tho.. lol
OR third option non alcoholic sparkling wine, those taste great add a rim of sugar and a raspberry and bam!
Lol just drink fruit punch ...ur growing a freaking person it's not always about what u want but need...not u personally just saying.. I'm almost 32 and I drink when it's appropriate ...but don't get me started on weed.. People have kinda convinced me that a small amount is ok..still not convinced but my old roomies baby is walking..talking..not even a ur old..she smoked maybe a g a day..she was into much heavier stuff b4 baby. I dunno why take any risks...
when you hit that point and realize you cook better than the restaurants around you, yet you rarely cook.. is that laziness or just stupidity?
Lol just drink fruit punch ...ur growing a freaking person it's not always about what u want but need...not u personally just saying.. I'm almost 32 and I drink when it's appropriate ...but don't get me started on weed.. People have kinda convinced me that a small amount is ok..still not convinced but my old roomies baby is walking..talking..not even a ur old..she smoked maybe a g a day..she was into much heavier stuff b4 baby. I dunno why take any risks...
i knew a lady who was pregnant she didnt know she was pregnant until she was 6 or 7 months old i believe
she never showed at all, and she weights like 100 lbs youd friggen see it im sure annie has some medical terminology for it, anywho she was a big party girl, like binge drinking everyweekend

but her baby turned out fine to me thats a miracle.

i dunno if id drink while im pregnant probably not, however im italian and italians are very well focus on wine, lol like ive been drinking wine since i was 2 basically my nono and nonna would give us kids little shot glasses of vino and our parents would say YOU CANT DO THAT IN CANADA! lol!!!!!

i remember sitting in the backyard patio and my nonno would have an ice cold molson canadian cause he wanted to be more canadian i guess LOL and he would give us a sip when our parents werent looking

*nono & nonna (grandma and grandpa for non italians lol)
i knew a lady who was pregnant she didnt know she was pregnant until she was 6 or 7 months old i believe
she never showed at all, and she weights like 100 lbs youd friggen see it im sure annie has some medical terminology for it, anywho she was a big party girl, like binge drinking everyweekend

but her baby turned out fine to me thats a miracle.

i dunno if id drink while im pregnant probably not, however im italian and italians are very well focus on wine, lol like ive been drinking wine since i was 2 basically my nono and nonna would give us kids little shot glasses of vino and our parents would say YOU CANT DO THAT IN CANADA! lol!!!!!

i remember sitting in the backyard patio and my nonno would have an ice cold molson canadian cause he wanted to be more canadian i guess LOL and he would give us a sip when our parents werent looking

*nono & nonna (grandma and grandpa for non italians lol)
My grandma rubbed I bit of whiskey on the babies gums when teething...lol I'm French same shit different language ..u guys just eat more pasta and have nicer butts ;)