Random Jibber Jabber Thread

sorry to hear about your stepdad Hempy...

this aside..

I met a local neighbor who I know is a MJ user from the 70's (he does not know I know.. but I know.. lol) anyhow.. he was buying a few(like 40 or so..) lotto tickets today while wifey and I were getting coffee and soda.. made the comment to him about how we might have been his lucky charm so share the love if he hits it big... lol.. Have know this guy for about 15+ years we were at a neighbor hood watch meeting together about 5 months ago and were chatting when the local Mj compliance officer made his few comments.. I leaned over after the guy was done and explained how I made my canna peanut butter.. he was very interested in the recipe.. :P said he knew a guy who knew a guy.. and I am sure he does..
Thankyou everyone for the warm thoughts and prayers his right artery was completely blocked but he is stable now with a stent. So were chillin here at the hospital watching the ohio state game. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and again thankyou for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes they are deeply appreciated <3
I'll just leave this here. Do what you will.

Hey Sailor, what are you doing later????

I knew a dude who looked like this guy.. he was the guy did shrooms with once..
I think min was going to look at Oregon. I have missed him for awhile. I think C4 was talking about central America or something like that. You know weed brain some times I just can't remember. I'm sure no one else has that problem.
right ^.^

the wifey quit smoking ciggs and never drank while prego. She did occasionally hit a j or two. My boy tests off the charts @ school.

I'm glad you're glad but.....this fucking country is going to hell in a handbasket if 11$/hr for a job that does randoms is a good job..

fuck that :(

my two cents

Well I have worked in factories for the last few years and I made more money and never got drug tested, but it is such dull existence.
Well I have worked in factories for the last few years and I made more money and never got drug tested, but it is such dull existence.

Please don't take this the wrong way but you seem very smart and articulate. Your posts are sharp and you have a lot of common sense (which isn't actually common). Why are you working in factories for years ?
Please don't take this the wrong way but you seem very smart and articulate. Your posts are sharp and you have a lot of common sense (which isn't actually common). Why are you working in factories for years ?

Well that's a question I ask myself all the time.

Fresh out of high school I went to college and got an associates degree. I was worried about building up too much debt so I left college and started working in factories so I could pay off my college debt. Which I paid off last year and I kind of got stuck in a comfortable rut.

I'm ready to move on. Plan on finishing another associates degree in Human Services and then maybe transferring to get a bachelors.

I don't come from money and I really don't have any kind of financial support besides the money I make working.
Thankyou everyone for the warm thoughts and prayers his right artery was completely blocked but he is stable now with a stent. So were chillin here at the hospital watching the ohio state game. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and again thankyou for the thoughts, prayers and well wishes they are deeply appreciated <3

That is good news indeed.
Deputy sheriff is a good career. Go for it. Change only occurs from the inside, if you don't like how things are looking then join up.

I have a pending marihuana possession ticket that will be discharged and sealed next month. So I decided before I did anything like that I would have a clean record.
I have a pending marihuana possession ticket that will be discharged and sealed next month. So I decided before I did anything like that I would have a clean record.
That's good, if youre going into human services and want to become a CASAC you have to have a backround check before you can even do your required 350 hour internship.
My run of good day's continues.. here is some of what I have planned for Monday's "good day" Chocolate chip will be normal not MJ vers wifey makes me make them for the family if I get to make mine.. fair enough.. :)
