Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Man when I was a kid I turned over Asteroids 4x's in one sitting. I suck now. I can't get used to playing on my laptop. I keep hitting the shift which sends me into hyper space. Anyway I just noticed the new Shameless (the Showtime one) started last night and I'm gonna get some laughs in before the sandman comes a knocking.

BTW- Impressive Tetris score there FDD.
i could do a lot better. just got dealt some shitty pieces. ;)


Well-Known Member
death and dying loved ones, amongst other things, like a man that has worked hard his whole life encountering the challenges of trying to start over with an education. Being screwed by selective services so I can't get the assistance I need to do things the way they should be. etc. I know it could be worse, and I have alot to be thankful for. I'm just frustrated and saddened. No drinking for me.


New Member
death and dying loved ones, amongst other things, like a man that has worked hard his whole life encountering the challenges of trying to start over with an education. Being screwed by selective services so I can't get the assistance I need to do things the way they should be. etc. I know it could be worse, and I have alot to be thankful for. I'm just frustrated and saddened. No drinking for me.

sorry dude


Well-Known Member
death and dying loved ones, amongst other things, like a man that has worked hard his whole life encountering the challenges of trying to start over with an education. Being screwed by selective services so I can't get the assistance I need to do things the way they should be. etc. I know it could be worse, and I have alot to be thankful for. I'm just frustrated and saddened. No drinking for me.
in similar spirits bro, your not alone.


Staff member
death and dying loved ones, amongst other things, like a man that has worked hard his whole life encountering the challenges of trying to start over with an education. Being screwed by selective services so I can't get the assistance I need to do things the way they should be. etc. I know it could be worse, and I have alot to be thankful for. I'm just frustrated and saddened. No drinking for me.
Yeah im in the same boat about people dying who are loved ones :( let me know if you need to chat


Well-Known Member
Why I got divorced... Last wéek was my birthday.... My wife didnt wish me.... My parents forgot and so did my kids.... I went to work.... Even my colleagues didnt wish me.... As i entered my cabin my secretary said,"Happy Birthday Boss".... i felt so special.... She asked me out to lunch.... After lunch,she invited me to her apartment... WE went there.... She said,"Do you mind if i go into the bedroom for a minute ?" "OKAY",i said... She came out 5min later with a cake And My Wife,,My Parents,,My Kids,,My Friends & My Colleagues... All Screaming,,SURPRISE.... And I was waiting on the sofa.. NAKED =)) =))


Well-Known Member
Why is it when a woman is pregnant everyone rubs her belly and says congratulation? But no one rubs the guys nuts and says good job ?