Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Twas the week between Christmas...
And New Years...
And all through the site...
Hardly a person stirring...
Hardly a fight...
Everyone smokin fatties...
At dawns early light...
Eating the edibles...
Tasting so right...
Saying have a great week to everyone...
Gonna stay high all week....
Because MJ gives me might!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Why the hell dont they make extra salt crackers? They got a million kinds of crackers with reduced salt but not one with extra added salt for my salty pleasure.:hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
So door gets knocked on at 10:00 this morning, which is like wtf who is here type stuff. I answer the door to a stranger. He introduces himself and I ask how can I help you. By this time I'm in protection mode wondering what this is all about. Long story short he tells me I am the only one who has successfully completed the methadone program where I live in the past five years. He said he heard through the grapevine my name and had to visit me. He looks me in the eyes and asks, man I just wanna know how you did it? I told him like any other person who successfully gets off that stuff. I knew if I didn't I wasn't gonna be alive much longer, that I truly felt like shit when I took my dose and I felt like shit when I didn't have any. So the only choice was to stop and feel better. It was a big eye opener of how far I have come and that there are many still caught up in the mix. I just wish there was more I could do for him, but in the end it's his battle to fight.


Well-Known Member
So door gets knocked on at 10:00 this morning, which is like wtf who is here type stuff. I answer the door to a stranger. He introduces himself and I ask how can I help you. By this time I'm in protection mode wondering what this is all about. Long story short he tells me I am the only one who has successfully completed the methadone program where I live in the past five years. He said he heard through the grapevine my name and had to visit me. He looks me in the eyes and asks, man I just wanna know how you did it? I told him like any other person who successfully gets off that stuff. I knew if I didn't I wasn't gonna be alive much longer, that I truly felt like shit when I took my dose and I felt like shit when I didn't have any. So the only choice was to stop and feel better. It was a big eye opener of how far I have come and that there are many still caught up in the mix. I just wish there was more I could do for him, but in the end it's his battle to fight.
I over heard someone ask a guy how he managed to stay sober for so many years, the reply, "one day at a time".


Well-Known Member
Went and got some groceries last night very stoned. Sometimes when I smoke a shit ton of herb I become very chill and speak in a calm and quiet voice. I was looking for the hummus and couldn't find any so I see a clerk unloading groceries by me and I walk over to him and ask where I can find the hummus. He turns and looks at me with the most fucked up expression on his face and says "I am sorry sir but I don't think we carry homicide here" LOL


Well-Known Member
So door gets knocked on at 10:00 this morning, which is like wtf who is here type stuff. I answer the door to a stranger. He introduces himself and I ask how can I help you. By this time I'm in protection mode wondering what this is all about. Long story short he tells me I am the only one who has successfully completed the methadone program where I live in the past five years. He said he heard through the grapevine my name and had to visit me. He looks me in the eyes and asks, man I just wanna know how you did it? I told him like any other person who successfully gets off that stuff. I knew if I didn't I wasn't gonna be alive much longer, that I truly felt like shit when I took my dose and I felt like shit when I didn't have any. So the only choice was to stop and feel better. It was a big eye opener of how far I have come and that there are many still caught up in the mix. I just wish there was more I could do for him, but in the end it's his battle to fight.

I was on methadone too (for pain) for over 2 years.. my dr retired he moved me to his partner.. his partner tells me.. with methadone I should have had a full physical each year including heart heck (running on their treadmill with crap hooked up to you) so they switched me to morphine which was also a bitch to stop using

kudo's for getting off of that crap!


Well-Known Member
Went and got some groceries last night very stoned. Sometimes when I smoke a shit ton of herb I become very chill and speak in a calm and quiet voice. I was looking for the hummus and couldn't find any so I see a clerk unloading groceries by me and I walk over to him and ask where I can find the hummus. He turns and looks at me with the most fucked up expression on his face and says "I am sorry sir but I don't think we carry homicide here" LOL
My girl loves the "chill calm quiet voice". She isn't a smoker but on the rarest of occasions. When I'm not smoking she encourages me to smoke because she likes it ("chill calm quiet voice") so much. I'm so lucky to have her.