Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
That reminds me...

There's been some news lately concerns over the new Boeing Dreamliner airplane. Is it just me, or is anyone else hesitant to fly on a plane that sounds like it comes in a big pink box on the shelf next to Malibu Barbie?

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I filled up the moped today, she took three whole dollars. :bigjoint: I hadn't put any gas in it since september, and that was only half a tank.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
200 MPG, gotta love it. I've been using the pedals some too, trying to get back into shape, I've tried buying bikes but I always have bad luck with them. The tubes on my last bike kept blowing out on me, the moped is a little more beefier.


Well-Known Member
Just a bit thirsty, I feel pretty good. Was jack and coke all night. I think it's time to scramble some eggs and fry some bacon. A joint after breakfast and I should be a ok....