Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I just got back from the Verizon store with a new LG lucid, this thing is so cool and fast compared to the old phone I was using. this is ny first 'smart phone' lol. need to get used to the keyboard though. I feel all fancy being able to text and use Pandora at the same time :D


Well-Known Member
I got so lost in what day it was. I went into work, tried clocking in and it turns out I'm off today! Man, today is even more awesome :) ..

Time to light up a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Anyways this day was awesome for me i finish my another another aero cloner and throw some new cuttings in :D , love days like that.


Well-Known Member

Is this a pony? Would you look at this?


Well-Known Member

theexpress, this is theexpress. hands down.