Random Jibber Jabber Thread

holy bajebus! I just spent the last hr cutting cockleburrs outta my dogs fur:cuss:

BAD DOG! You know better than to go back there.

I swear I think he does it on purpose because he likes the grooming :(

cept when I get his skin with the scissors
If you lived around here I would give you a jar,
just replace it by July or so.

Learn to conserve that extra jar.
I'm thinking of burying it miles from here.
Just in case....

That would be awesome and I would replace more than was given. My last couple harvests were used up quick. I smoked 7 oz in 1.5 months. Kinda funny to cause I hadn't smoked in like a year and I still had a high tolerance. In hind sight I should have let it cure for longer as it would have been more potent. Oh well.
High Tolerance Strains?

Anyone with a high tolerance that have a strain that works well for them? I'm talkin 2 hitter quitter?

I just harvested some C99 that is pretty potent.

Kosher Kush is pretty good. I smoke daily and it always does the trick.

I'd listen to this. I have some KK that is the best smoke ever. It smells and tastes like molasses and will kick your ass. I'm still rationing it and have a full bank of it's clones getting ready to run with some girl scout poison.

I haven' been to bed. Good thing I'm off work for my hand. except I'm losing out on some money. Oh well, I have an emergency fund.

How did you hurt your hand? You been hangin' out with minne? LOL
I just harvested some C99 that is pretty potent.

I'd listen to this. I have some KK that is the best smoke ever. It smells and tastes like molasses and will kick your ass. I'm still rationing it and have a full bank of it's clones getting ready to run with some girl scout poison.

How did you hurt your hand? You been hangin' out with minne? LOL

Thanks for the info. Gonna find somewhere to order them beans. Everyone seems to agree on the KK, so I'm game. I think I try that c99 also.

Over new years me and my fiancee was out watching fireworks and this drunk dude flared his arms or some shit and hit my lady and I instantly hit the dude between his eyes and broke the knuckle off the 5th metacarpal. The knuckle broke off and got shoved underneath the metacarpal bone. The orthopedic shoved it back in place and put a splint on it without anesthetic.

Apparently I've been lacking calcium cause that shit shouldn't have happen.
Thanks for the info. Gonna find somewhere to order them beans. Everyone seems to agree on the KK, so I'm game. I think I try that c99 also.

Over new years me and my fiancee was out watching fireworks and this drunk dude flared his arms or some shit and hit my lady and I instantly hit the dude between his eyes and broke the knuckle off the 5th metacarpal. The knuckle broke off and got shoved underneath the metacarpal bone. The orthopedic shoved it back in place and put a splint on it without anesthetic.

Apparently I've been lacking calcium cause that shit shouldn't have happen.

Your CA is fine you just got a classic boxer's fracture. So take some classes and learn to punch. Better yet, don't hit people, especially drunk people. As for setting it without anesthetic what else was he supposed to do? Trust me his shooting you up with local would not have worked, and bier block or general would leave you worse off than a quick set and insurance would never pay for those for a boxers, worse the entire OR crew would have laughed at him (and you LOL). When you engage in the physical there are some ramifications you must endure.