Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
just checked the forecast and it's gonna be a balmy 30f here next thursday....spring has sprung biatches ;)

well, not really. Just trying to stay positive


Well-Known Member
Just clearing the air I wasn't spamming the wolf shirt I thought it was funny so I posted it big whoop
As long as you leave them laughing - which you did. That was a fun meme, and the review you posted is a great piece of American writing.

The reference is the smaher's posting of the same thing in three threads. I was nice enough to PM her and let her know that it's considered spamming, and she should probably delete a couple. She didn't but someone else did. Now, smaher's upset, and posting the same plea that repeatedly posting the same thing somehow isn't spamming the board.


Well-Known Member
The reference is the smaher's posting of the same thing in three threads. I was nice enough to PM her and let her know that it's considered spamming, and she should probably delete a couple. She didn't but someone else did. Now, smaher's upset, and posting the same plea that repeatedly posting the same thing somehow isn't spamming the board.
Oh. Gonna go watch Al Jezira today. It's less contentious.


Well-Known Member
The reference is the smaher's posting of the same thing in three threads. I was nice enough to PM her and let her know that it's considered spamming, and she should probably delete a couple. She didn't but someone else did. Now, smaher's upset, and posting the same plea that repeatedly posting the same thing somehow isn't spamming the board.
LMFAO Plea??? Get real. As I said I was clearing the air so people understood I wasn't trying to spam just as I stated here and being I have a life outside of the internet I tend not to let dumb things on it bother me

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
then let it go. Minnes is cool as f*#k.

I've found myself posting things i like in several areas before too. Doing so is spammish though so I try not to.

be cool stoner chick smaher. I think you'll fit in just fine around here.


Well-Known Member
then let it go. Minnes is cool as f*#k.

I've found myself posting things i like in several areas before too. Doing so is spammish though so I try not to.

be cool stoner chick smaher. I think you'll fit in just fine around here.
Darling I did let it go until I read that I'm pleaing on the internet


Well-Known Member
Trust darling it's a response to what I read not something that'll f*ck up my day

Ok, you are the center of attention. Please say something inspiring, guiding, insightful, witty, or even coy.

You've got unbroken, unadulterated attention. I apologize for your day going shit, and you needing to blow steam. Please, blow off some steam, get past it, and move on. We're a forum of stoners -- used to be pretty laid back -- no need for conspiracy theories, for believing something was done with malice aforethought, or that advice is anything more than that.


Well-Known Member
That was awesome, incarnate.

I wonder ... You know, when a lot of women live in a house, their cycles begin to sync with the "alpha" female's?

Wonder if we got some of that goin' on around here...

Say it with a song.



Well-Known Member
Ok, you are the center of attention. Please say something inspiring, guiding, insightful, witty, or even coy.

You've got unbroken, unadulterated attention. I apologize for your day going shit, and you needing to blow steam. Please, blow off some steam, get past it, and move on. We're a forum of stoners -- used to be pretty laid back -- no need for conspiracy theories, for believing something was done with malice aforethought, or that advice is anything more than that.
Who fucking cares or wants attention seems like you're* just a shit starter I posted that I wasn't trying to spam so the fuck what as I said I was clearing the air which you seem to be missing. And tell me why I would even have to plea to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Who fucking cares or wants attention seems like your just a shit starter I posted that I wasn't trying to spam so the fuck what as I said I was clearing the air which you seem to be missing. And tell me why I would even have to plea to anyone.
Why you so mad bro?


Well-Known Member
Who fucking cares or wants attention seems like your just a shit starter I posted that I wasn't trying to spam so the fuck what as I said I was clearing the air which you seem to be missing. And tell me why I would even have to plea to anyone.
Nobody said ya' did. You blew nothing into something dramatic.

Need a hug?