Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
she attempted to walk into my house multiple times jiggly thedoor handle and trying to get in Thor got very snarly

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Thats fucked up sunni. Well at least you know Thor will alert you to things and possibly protect you.

Joe, the two on right are Critical Sensi Star from Delicious Seeds and the one front left is a revegged Goji. Goji takes a bit longer to start stacking the flowers.


Well-Known Member
she attempted to walk into my house multiple times jiggly thedoor handle and trying to get in Thor got very snarly
Well, you mentioned that she vomited in the street as well? She CLEARLY heard your toilet running, and was merely attempting to jiggle the handle for you. You should commend her for her actions, not condemn her.


Staff member
Well, you mentioned that she vomited in the street as well? She CLEARLY heard your toilet running, and was merely attempting to jiggle the handle for you. You should commend her for her actions, not condemn her.
yes , i hope she is okay.....she didnt look like a crack h ead or anything dunno ill watch the video in a bit got a security camera here,

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Someone jiggled your door handle a few times and you perceive that as an attempted break in? I thought you were a bit of a drinker, how have you not done this yourself at some point or other? Hell, I've been in my own house and ended up walking into the wrong bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Thats fucked up sunni. Well at least you know Thor will alert you to things and possibly protect you.

Joe, the two on right are Critical Sensi Star from Delicious Seeds and the one front left is a revegged Goji. Goji takes a bit longer to start stacking the flowers.

But she (the goji) makes up for it in the end.


Staff member
Someone jiggled your door handle a few times and you perceive that as an attempted break in? I thought you were a bit of a drinker, how have you not done this yourself at some point or other? Hell, I've been in my own house and ended up walking into the wrong bedroom.
no i have not ever gottent o the point where i couldnt go to my own door.
ive never once seen this girl ever.
she attempted to open my door, i assumed she was drunk or high , i assume she thought she lived here
I could be completely wrong
she couldve been strung over and was looking for an easy break in to steal stuff and pawn it off which is NOT uncommon in my neighborhood


Well-Known Member
Someone jiggled your door handle a few times and you perceive that as an attempted break in? I thought you were a bit of a drinker, how have you not done this yourself at some point or other? Hell, I've been in my own house and ended up walking into the wrong bedroom.
Ive laid down and passed out drunk in the hallway of a resort in the Dominican Republic infront of the wrong room which a European family was staying in xD


Active Member
, I've been there I tried to raise money for some of the kids to go to school $1,000 for one kid to go to school for
like 6 years I think, I raised 5,000 I think not sure, but the way they are living is terrible'