Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I should have thrown a bunch of pennies at that idiot.
a roll of pennies ;)
i almost got into a road rage fight, doh...i gotta be careful or i'll get shot here in fla. :eyesmoke:
before the wifey and I were together she was living in the city and cut someone off. Traffic there is nuts and she is a pretty bad driver anyway honestly. Well, after cutting this guy off they got stopped at a light. The guy got out, walked up to her car, and she rolled her window down, and he punched her in the jaw and walked back to his car. SHe was 8 months pregnant.

if I knew who this guy was I would like to shoot him in the face.


Well-Known Member
i've done some downright dickish things in traffic, but never enough to make someone punch me.

i need to focus to achieve my goals.


Well-Known Member
Iam sorry Michael Richardson if your reading this then it means that the time machine worked and iam 5 years ahead of you but iam sorry for kicking you in the balls and clogging up your toilet back at your stag party


Well-Known Member
a roll of pennies ;)

before the wifey and I were together she was living in the city and cut someone off. Traffic there is nuts and she is a pretty bad driver anyway honestly. Well, after cutting this guy off they got stopped at a light. The guy got out, walked up to her car, and she rolled her window down, and he punched her in the jaw and walked back to his car. SHe was 8 months pregnant.

if I knew who this guy was I would like to shoot him in the face.
I once honked my horn at some a-hole going the wrong way on a narrow, one way street (he intended a 3 point turn). After he had turned around and I was waiting at a stop sign he rear ended me on purpose. So I got out of the car and walked back to him - not sure what I was going to do. The guy had his three month old daughter in a child seat in back! I slapped him across the face and said "what the fuck is wrong with you?". That's all that happened. Poor kid.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I once honked my horn at some a-hole going the wrong way on a narrow, one way street (he intended a 3 point turn). After he had turned around and I was waiting at a stop sign he rear ended me on purpose. So I got out of the car and walked back to him - not sure what I was going to do. The guy had his three month old daughter in a child seat in back! I slapped him across the face and said "what the fuck is wrong with you?". That's all that happened. Poor kid.
someone who rearended you on purpose? Sure, they deserved it. And yes, poor kid.

but who the fuck hits an 8 month pregnant woman????

A real POS that's who


Well-Known Member
That's all that happened. Poor kid.
I am so confused by this

He was coming the wrong way towards you on a 1 way street after he attempted to turn around (I'm guessing he was thinking he had enough space or it was a 2 way). How did he rear end you at a stop sign if he was coming towards you? Draw a diagram in MSPaint so I can better understand this?


Well-Known Member
I am so confused by this

He was coming the wrong way towards you on a 1 way street after he attempted to turn around (I'm guessing he was thinking he had enough space or it was a 2 way). How did he rear end you at a stop sign if he was coming towards you? Draw a diagram in MSPaint so I can better understand this?
Aw geez. I was coming to the intersection, he turned onto the wrong way street (toward me). I beeped and swerved. He drove past me to the alley and turned around. I was still waiting at the stop sign on account of the intersection being a busy street. Then he hit me.

And yes, somebody who would hit a preggers lady is a dick. An even bigger one.

My cab driver was from Kenya.