Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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Greetings my secksy RIU people. Started my vacation yesterday (sooo stoked), and decided to toss a few seedlings under the big lamp.

Still on the fence about going outdoor this year. I've never before.

Anyone here growing outdoors this year? maybe in high elevation CA? I'm just a little worried about having to fight the elements. Not sure if that's unfounded, as it's still pretty early in the year.
I mostly grow outdoors, have been for years....just protect the plants from critters. Never have had bug or disease probs. I have a couple males outside right now acting as canaries


Well-Known Member
I'm giving it a shot this year, live in a little hamlet near Mt St Helens, at 600 ft.....we have a lot of deer that like to nibble on stuff around here, last year I had a deformed plant I stuck outside and except for the deer topping it, finally put a tomato cage around it, it did ok but it was too late in the season....so I might try it.....
Some beautiful country up there. Always wanted to go hiking in that area. I'm @ 3500 - 4000 in the CA Sierras. So pretty.

I've been doing some reading. All day today. Still fenced on the decision. It's just so much easier to control the environment in a tent. IDK. I may just toss a few mainliners in the ground, see what shakes loose. Go for a sort of a an outdoor trial run. Ferk it. Why the hell not, right?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
damn dog uprooted a clone (still alive.. so is Dillon) and 2 bins I planted seeds in.. same effing dog took out about 9 tomatoes and a cucumber I had tossed inside the compost heap and placed them in the yard like he was decorating it..
I'd be getting rid of the dog, or put up a better fence....or both possibly

oh and

I like jalapeno krunchers :)


Well-Known Member
The Meter Reading lady Knocks at the door....
[Meter is in the basement] we send in a digital image of meter each month...
This was our "Yearly" read....

Rooms going full blast...fans lights etc....

GF sends her around to back door... raining/sleet...
I run downstairs and disable everything, and do some quick cover up...

Watch that step it's loose...

No smell... no tell...never sell... but what the hell....

Good for another year?


Well-Known Member
Morning joe, wow man and i thought the white trash up here were bad? [video=youtube_share;q1wwe9-be2Y]http://youtu.be/q1wwe9-be2Y[/video]


Well-Known Member
Lifted from another site: Scent: Like a fine, Jewish wine, the Kosher Kush has your typical, bomb OG


Da fu'?
Mogan David, they were making a play on the word Kosher....I lived in NYC back in the early '60's....k you probably know but Jewish folk want their food processed by standards set by the Torah....ok I took all the fun out of that bit didn't I hahahaha


Well-Known Member
renewed again... 12 plant/6lb max up from last year at 3lbs

2 hour wait today... I was 1st too.. OMG that dr loved talking..


Well-Known Member
Been sick since early Tuesday with a nasty stomach bug. Finally feeling a bit better today. Still no appetite though. I heard that marijuana stuff might be able to help with that. Any truth to that rumour?


Well-Known Member
Been sick since early Tuesday with a nasty stomach bug. Finally feeling a bit better today. Still no appetite though. I heard that marijuana stuff might be able to help with that. Any truth to that rumour?
^^^ nope. Stay away from that shit. But I hear that medical cannabis can be good for it.
You aren't talking about those "jazz cigarettes" are you???
They'll make you hungry alright... for those evil jazz people

But I do think rick is right, cause I'm hungry as fuck, and no jazz anything around here...