Well, maybe you could make an acquaintance, someone that occasionally passes through, and has a general disregard for the law and is willing to bring a couple spore syringes or prints to ya.
I'm trying it a bit differently this time. I'm looking for other shroom growers. I want to grow from existing mycelium, instead of spores. I have a big glorious shroom grow idea...
I'm also interested in getting a BIG outdoor field sprouting. I have a great compost area that would be ideal, and is currently fungi free... The area is 90% shaded, the compost is apple (fruit, leaves, and mulched/chipped wood,) lilac, maple, and hardy grass clippings. It's all aged 2 or more years. I have multiple watering options, including misting. The total area is 110' by 16', enclosed and partially shaded, and in a corner of a private lot.