Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Anyone want some free kittens? My cat is pregnant. :wall::wall::wall:

My sister accidentally let her out a while back and she was gone for like 4 days, I though she had gotten killed or something. When she came back she was in heat and now she's showing. :roll:


New Member
Once again, dogs > cats.

Dogs are like 95% less likely to run off, for days even, that % may as well be 99 lol.



New Member
I feel like a waste tonight.I live a real "loner" lifestyle.I moved far from home.I've been here 12 years now.Have no real friends.Getting older now.Can't trust a soul.I'm to paranoid to leave the house,lol.I have a quiet home on a quiet street.I feel as if I traded everything just to grow a little herb.I just drove my snowmobile around looking at the stars. Couldn't help think about how beautiful everything is and life is pretty smooth .But at what cost ? Having nobody to share the good times with kinda diminishes the awsomeness.I feel like now I'm the one missing out.Years ago I coulda had my pick of a few decent women.I was to selfish.Now I sit here on TnT for another Sat night.heehaw !!!


New Member
I feel like a waste tonight.I live a real "loner" lifestyle.I moved far from home.I've been here 12 years now.Have no real friends.Getting older now.Can't trust a soul.I'm to paranoid to leave the house,lol.I have a quiet home on a quiet street.I feel as if I traded everything just to grow a little herb.I just drove my snowmobile around looking at the stars. Couldn't help think about how beautiful everything is and life is pretty smooth .But at what cost ? Having nobody to share the good times with kinda diminishes the awsomeness.I feel like now I'm the one missing out.Years ago I coulda had my pick of a few decent women.I was to selfish now I sit here on TnT for another Sat night.heehaw !!!
I can relate to you completely. It's dark and cold and quiet over in my wooded area.


Well-Known Member
I feel like a waste tonight.I live a real "loner" lifestyle.I moved far from home.I've been here 12 years now.Have no real friends.Getting older now.Can't trust a soul.I'm to paranoid to leave the house,lol.I have a quiet home on a quiet street.I feel as if I traded everything just to grow a little herb.I just drove my snowmobile around looking at the stars. Couldn't help think about how beautiful everything is and life is pretty smooth .But at what cost ? Having nobody to share the good times with kinda diminishes the awsomeness.I feel like now I'm the one missing out.Years ago I coulda had my pick of a few decent women.I was to selfish.Now I sit here on TnT for another Sat night.heehaw !!!


Well-Known Member
I just ate an entire pie to read the nutritional values on the bottom :/ :D

EDIT: only to realize that the bottom is two separate containers and I cound have just taken the pie out.... LOL :o


Well-Known Member
I feel like a waste tonight.I live a real "loner" lifestyle.I moved far from home.I've been here 12 years now.Have no real friends.Getting older now...
Now I sit here on TnT for another Sat night.heehaw !!!
I have a wife, so I'm pretty lucky. Except we're in a horrid living situation and all we can do is save up to get out of debt and fix all this. We'll still be in AK, though, and I'll always be cheechako. My biggest regret was leaving the city, and now I'm in my 50s and don't think I will ever have another chance there.

If my wife and I can at least get our own place, then maybe we can start on getting old together even if it is in AK.

p.s. It is my Friday night tonight.