Random Jibber Jabber Thread

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I just call em like I see em fungus....and if someone crosses me I don't pull my punches from then on. I don't pull them much before that anyways! lol ;)

like it, leave it, put me on ignore.

I care not
I understand.

You and I have no beef, nor do I feel that either of us have any qualms about what was said.

No worries man, its the internet.

I don't like to ignore people, I like to know when they say stupid shit lol

See you around

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
where was nasty? I was pointing out pies good points only in response to dyna slamming her.....It appears others don't like the spotlight to be shared either?? hmmm
Ummm no Joe, I didn't slam anyone. That post you quoted was to Giggles, not pie. Sunni is hotter than giggles.I would never tell a woman that another woman is hotter than them. Other than that, spot on post brah. I agree.


Well-Known Member
No offense intend to @giggles26 vagina beats penis in my book anyday
I still think you get better names for your bits and pieces.

If I had a dick, I'd name it Nagini...

I love Harry POtter.

Alas, I have a Va-J. I have to settle for calling it Vagini.

Not bad...much nicer than cunt, twat, gash, axe-wound, tuna-taco, pussy (I DON'T like that word), slit.

I do like BOX though.