Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I still think you get better names for your bits and pieces.

If I had a dick, I'd name it Nagini...

I love Harry POtter.

Alas, I have a Va-J. I have to settle for calling it Vagini.

Not bad...much nicer than cunt, twat, gash, axe-wound, tuna-taco, pussy (I DON'T like that word), slit.

I do like BOX though.
Salmon Canyon?


Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
just downloaded the new trailer park boys movie and felt bad that i was gonna watch it sober, so i decided to try to lock pick the door where the booze was at and was unsuccessful until i used a butter knife to slide in the crack of the door and manged to push the bar over of the lock mechanism and get in after trying for a bit, YES! SOMETHING FINALLY WENT RIGHT FOR ME FOR ONCE LOL

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
how do you deal with somebody who a fuckin jackass who lives with u and acts like a whiny little fagget whats also a fuckin stright edge what always got to blurt something out about weed smell, always killing my fucking buzz