Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Or when you put up a ladder in the lawn in the middle of the night climb to the top and reach for the stars because you feel like going "up".

Yes I just quoted myself. I miss hallucinogens. And think I'm about due.
When you set up the water pipe on the lawn to have a chat with a caterpillar. Marvelous chap.
Hallucinogens are fantastic.
Been using the same pair since last friday, I'm guessing I toss it in the street while drunk on saturday night. Also the car's fucking battery's dead. Better toke it up :eyesmoke:
Been using the same pair since last friday, I'm guessing I toss it in the street while drunk on saturday night. Also the car's fucking battery's dead. Better toke it up :eyesmoke:
Check the terminals for corrosion. Mine always get corroded and I look like a damn caveman banging on my truck with a hammer. It works though. Also works for a bad fuel pump, have someone pound on the fuel tank while cranking it over.
So I live in the city, gunshots at night.
Moved to the suburbs, gunshots day and night.
Fuck me man, what's up with fuckers blasting full magazines in the streets? I've been fearing getting hit by a stray bullet while tending the garden for a while now. What happened to good ole' knife/sword fights :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
Hello. Yes, hello. Grand theft auto. Yes. I need to report a crisis. My airstream has been stolen by dopers. My airstream has been stolen by dopers and yes it's a god damn automobile.

Dope Sniffers!


Horse thieving is a hanging offense! Hanging offense!! Hell, this thing has a commode and a karaoke machine. I should be able to blow these fucking dopers off the god damned map!!!

Son of a bitch!