Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
You try entirely too hard to make a point. I was trying to say something nice to sunni for once. Keep your 2 cents to your damn self.
I noticed you saying somthing nice to sunny for once, you turning over a new leaf? Is this a new krondizzel, the sweetheart version? :):):)


New Member
lol, last time i trolled you i found you a job.

so you're welcome.

Well one thing I have to say, I may get trolled from time to time but at least I don't rage about it, so I'm proud of myself for that lol. I actually have 2 jobs now too so working basically 7 days a week. Just recently started at Five Guys, I feel back to normal now.


New Member
I dunno, it would either kill my trip or make me feel like a bunch of bugs are crawling on me.

Never know till you try tho.


Well-Known Member
on a more random note, i am in palm beach and it's 72 with what has got to be the muggiest humidity known to man.

i suddenly feel some sympathy for zimmerman. if i had to endure this hellhole, i'd probably go around rage killing helpless kids too.


New Member
been starving all day.Just went to the bar/restaurant and sat there for 1.5 hours.Fucking stupid bitch had my food on a plate looking for a customer.I asked her,"hey is that mine and supposed to be to go?" She squawks back "no,its not ______(my name)_____blah blah" in a snotty tone.Well an hour later I ask her WTF? and a light bulb goes off.Then the bitch tries to serve me an hour old burger.Pssttttt....no dinner for me tonight.fuckin assholes !


Well-Known Member
on a more random note, i am in palm beach and it's 72 with what has got to be the muggiest humidity known to man.

i suddenly feel some sympathy for zimmerman. if i had to endure this hellhole, i'd probably go around rage killing helpless kids too.
Innapropriate, banned.

Not for Zimmerman comment, but you being in some nice weather. Not cool dude.


Well-Known Member
been starving all day.Just went to the bar/restaurant and sat there for 1.5 hours.Fucking stupid bitch had my food on a plate looking for a customer.I asked her,"hey is that mine and supposed to be to go?" She squawks back "no,its not ______(my name)_____blah blah" in a snotty tone.Well an hour later I ask her WTF? and a light bulb goes off.Then the bitch tries to serve me an hour old burger.Pssttttt....no dinner for me tonight.fuckin assholes !
i would have still devoured the thing.