Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Funny. I was poking around on their site and saw a post about the three types of marijuana. It seems that they mixed up their photos of indica and sativa. Or maybe thEy just don't know. What a horrible con.

Also, is it just me or does the first picture on the "About CTU" show a raggedy mite-infested bud? Bet they have a class on "hard mode".
lol I saw a friend of mine liking the facebook page, for shame cause d00d already knows how to grow some fine weed
this looks like the burger school where they teach how to flip burgers
im pretty pissed off at myself right now,
i got my final marks back, and one class that i had complete straight A+'s in, i didnt hand in one assignment because it was a 400 page book report and they had piled us up witht oo many other assignments so i didnt do it.
it dropped my entire final mark to a C even though i got A+'s on every other assignment... so bullshit
im pretty pissed off at myself right now,
i got my final marks back, and one class that i had complete straight A+'s in, i didnt hand in one assignment because it was a 400 page book report and they had piled us up witht oo many other assignments so i didnt do it.
it dropped my entire final mark to a C even though i got A+'s on every other assignment... so bullshit
Hate that it seems when your on top one stray assignment fucks your day up... But if your onthebottom and pull a rabbit out you all of a sudden have an a. Kinda like in video games when your behind the competition slows down. So there for I lurk in the shadows then kill the finals.. The teachers think they broke through and managed to teach me so they reward themselves by giving me a good grade. It's a scam I've used my whole life. This reminds me I have a couple finals on Wednesday, I was going to study then I laughed at the idea.
Hate that it seems when your on top one stray assignment fucks your day up... But if your onthebottom and pull a rabbit out you all of a sudden have an a. Kinda like in video games when your behind the competition slows down. So there for I lurk in the shadows then kill the finals.. The teachers think they broke through and managed to teach me so they reward themselves by giving me a good grade. It's a scam I've used my whole life. This reminds me I have a couple finals on Wednesday, I was going to study then I laughed at the idea.
i had all A+'s on the exams and midterms..it was literally 1 assignment i decided not to do that brought me down
im pretty pissed off at myself right now,
i got my final marks back, and one class that i had complete straight A+'s in, i didnt hand in one assignment because it was a 400 page book report and they had piled us up witht oo many other assignments so i didnt do it.
it dropped my entire final mark to a C even though i got A+'s on every other assignment... so bullshit
Did you mean a book report on a 400 page book? Is it really final? If not, go weaseling. Work the system, girl.