Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to be spraying my plants with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) or Bs (Bacillus subtilis) anymore, because they are in the same family as Ba (Bacillus anthracis, AKA Anthrax). I know this doesn't seem logical like comparing a tomato to a potato but with all the gmo stuff going on I don't trust others enough to risk my health and the health of other patients.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to be spraying my plants with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) or Bs (Bacillus subtilis) anymore, because they are in the same family as Ba (Bacillus anthracis, AKA Anthrax). I know this doesn't seem logical like comparing a tomato to a potato but with all the gmo stuff going on I don't trust others enough to risk my health and the health of other patients.
tomatoes are part of the deadly night shade family. watch out for them.

apples have a small amount of cyanide in them. watch out for those as well.

have fun with budworms.


Well-Known Member
So, here I am daydreaming about building my perfect bass set up.

So far I've only landed for sure on the speaker configuration for the amp.

Want to take the Eden D212XST4 ($900) and throw it up on top of an Eden D115XLT (another $900).

The amp head is still needs some research but I'm thinking either an Ampeg, G&K, SWR, or Hartke (between $500 - $1,100)

As for the bass to be the Warwick Vampyre 5 string. - $700

... sign... a guy can dream


Well-Known Member
LOL i saw this and thought you were talking about a bass boat and going fishing and i got all excited. can't wait for Spring bass fishing:)

Lol no, no fishing for me. I fell of a dam once when I was a kid playing pack - mule for me and my brother's fishing trip. I'm carrying all of our fishing gear, and food while crossing this flowing dam to get to our fishing spot and next thing I know I'm going sideways... needless to say a 40 foot, fish hook ridden drop was the last of my fishing days.

One thing I miss about living in Texas though is during the spring just after the rains, we would go Crawl-dad hunting. Take a little bacon tie to the end of a string toss it in a creek near the edge and just drag it along near the rocks. They'll come soon enough, once you got them hooked just real them in slowly until you get to the waters edge and yank them out and drop them in your bucket. Couple hours of that and you have yourself dinner.
We'd have bragging rights on who got the most in one pull, who caught the biggest, who caught the most fiddler's. A pull with 3+ crawl-dad's on it, and at least being a fiddler was legendary.