Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
this is ACTUALLY someones facebook status on my newsfeed today..

"Well going to the collage next week to get into the upgrading proram to do my upgrading yay me gonna do this get it done then i can go to collage and get a goos job. Get a buzy two weeks.."
he may need to finish public school

Keep on Growin


Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
this is ACTUALLY someones facebook status on my newsfeed today..

"Well going to the collage next week to get into the upgrading proram to do my upgrading yay me gonna do this get it done then i can go to collage and get a goos job. Get a buzy two weeks.."
While I do find that funny, your post are often full grammatical errors and you attend college. Moral of my story, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. It's Facebook not a term paper. I still love you Sunni ;)


Well-Known Member
I got up at 5 this morning, got in the car and drove 2/3 accross England, the full width of Wales, crossed the Irish Sea playing GTA on my phone (gotta keep driving, even on the boat), then right across Ireland. It's ten to 1, I should be fucked. I've done 3 countries in 17 hours. Yet here I am, not sleeping

I love you assholes.


Staff member
While I do find that funny, your post are often full grammatical errors and you attend college. Moral of my story, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house. It's Facebook not a term paper. I still love you Sunni ;)
im not throwing stones i am not perfect and i fuck up here and there on fb and on here. but ,
theres a difference between some fuck ups and rushed typing ..and a serious inability to fucking spell outright.

either way its hilarious especially given the content of it
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