Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member
I shed a tear as I type these words but sunni stock up on some frozen veggies, if u steam them they still taste pretty good :)

I'm freaking out people must find job asap, not having a job makes me feel like a failure, but i'm going to use this situation as learning experience. Why can't I just ignore other people and their drama, I always get sucked in even when I try and stay out...any advice ??
Removing yourself from an unhappy situation does not make you a failure. Staying in one does.
Doors open and close all the time. Eventually your door will open.


Staff member
it's out of season. romaine lettuce is up to $2.99 here, it was $0.79 a few months ago.
nah its more then that even if its out of season someone is still producing it some how, its like theres a shortage of any fresh produce they have signs up all over the stores and everything i never seen it like this before :p

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
SO I just checked my plant.

At least it doesn't smell like weed in the room with the box anymore.

But it has a smell. I thought the gel wasn't supposed to smell. =(


Well-Known Member
in other jibbery jabbery news, i'm back in santa nella again. if anyone wants to drop by the motel 6, free weed. and pea soup.


Well-Known Member
time likes to fuck with people i think, one minute you think damn time is passing by so fast but when you have something to look forward to maybe a few weeks into the future it drags by slower than a snail hitching a ride on a turtle.