Well-Known Member
Haha...learn to relax a little, it'll go a long way in life. I haven't said anything negative to or about you in Months. Get off your high horse, stop acting ike a fucking victim on a MARIJUANA GROWING FORUM.DUDE, you know what you are TRYING to say when you say things. You know what your intended meaning is, not me.
I'm just saying, some of the things you say - are interpreted by me as cunty. With the intention of trying to be, a dick. Or an asshole as you say.
I like being liked, obviously. I don't think YOU have to like me though.
I would just appreciate being left to my own devices. I don't need to hear your opinions about my posts. Especially if they are negative opinions. ALL THE TIME. You do your thing, I'll do mine. I won't tell you how to post or meme, or how many times you repeated something. Because I think that's super faggatron and I just wouldn't .
I think you just want to argue. I told you man, I'm all argued out.
Do you want to win? Is that it?
Fine - ARGUMENT WON BY META!! Well done!
Jeeze. You might enjoy life a little more if you didn't take shit so seriously, or let such inconsequential things get under your skin. Your verbose response to a minor comment just screams that you have to have the last word.
I dunno, just stop. Seriously. Don't respond to this, and ignore me for a few days. Not to say you should self-censor and "ignore" me, but don't pay attention to me. I'll leave you alone too, and let you litter all over the highway....