Next time intubate then Narcan, very important. Watching someone remove a cuffed ET tube by themselves is priceless not to mention behavior modifying. If you've really got a winner sometimes you'll get a second and even third shot at them depending on the opiate they used. I loved working County. Was it just after the full moon?This guy was dead when he got rolled in the door. We did CPR, breathed for him, and pushed some narcan. He woke up right before we were gonna intubate him, pulled all his lines and tubes off, then told us to fuck ourselves and walked out.
Wow, what a douche, could have at least said thanks for fucking saving my life.
And we wonder why medical costs are high.
We didn't even get his name...
Next time intubate then Narcan, very important. Watching someone remove a cuffed ET tube by themselves is priceless not to mention behavior modifying. If you've really got a winner sometimes you'll get a second and even third shot at them depending on the opiate they used. I loved working County. Was it just after the full moon?
Create barriers with baby gates, laundry baskets, and furniture. They cant climb until well after they learn to walk.The boy learned how to crawl this week.
I am sooo fucked.
*scratch-scratch-scratch*My balls itch! Does anyone wanna scratch em? I'll even smell your fingers afterwords. Just to make it authentic, like if I scratched em on my own.
Troll the politics section. Brag about your grow in the newbie section. Fap to bud porn. Help Gary with his itchy balls. There's always lots to do...What does unemployed but still getting paid stoner do all day????
Troll the politics section. Brag about your grow in the newbie section. Fap to bud porn. Help Gary with his itchy balls. There's always lots to do...
lmao!Troll the politics section. Brag about your grow in the newbie section. Fap to bud porn. Help Gary with his itchy balls. There's always lots to do...
I hate the way most folk's who are born here raised here americans get treated in the workforce by employers, but ive also seen family members who work'd several years only to recieve a respite and it made them miserable lmao! One of my grandparents passed away "from bordem" after leaving GE and 40 years of service to them.Man even though I'm getting paid for the next 5 weeks....not working feels weird. .what do u guys do all day?
My guy even told me to wait until September to find a new job....I worked my ass off the last 2 years. ..he thinks I need a break. .but I need things to do!!!
What does unemployed but still getting paid stoner do all day????
GE....was my customer. ..I moved uranium Hexafluoride across North America. fuels the nuclear generators...people need a purpose! !I hate the way most folk's who are born here raised here americans get treated in the workforce by employers, but ive also seen family members who work'd several years only to recieve a respite and it made them miserable lmao! One of my grandparents passed away "from bordem" after leaving GE and 40 years of service to them.
View attachment 3458470 mushroom fries.
Hello, how are you?Next time intubate then Narcan, very important. Watching someone remove a cuffed ET tube by themselves is priceless not to mention behavior modifying. If you've really got a winner sometimes you'll get a second and even third shot at them depending on the opiate they used. I loved working County. Was it just after the full moon?