Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Still kick ass man.
Thx dude!
I have to send it in though. Can't cash it in at stores. I don't trust sending it in the mail, so i'm going to have to make a special trip down to Sacramento, and bring it in to the Calottery office. Website says it takes 6-8 weeks to process. And then, I'm also going to have to claim it on my taxes(fed not state)because it more than 600 bucks? I just read that on there website. What kinda bullshit is that? Just for a $1000 dollar winner? :confused:
I'm still stoked I hit it though. :-)

Are you still gonna go out with a guide?
Super slow down low on our rivers. But allot of salmon are just kickin it bellow the battlecreek hatchery on the Sac rite now. I believe up there opens the first. It's gonna be fucking crazy up there though. Always is lol

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Thx dude!
I have to send it in though. Can't cash it in at stores. I don't trust sending it in the mail, so i'm going to have to make a special trip down to Sacramento, and bring it in to the Calottery office. Website says it takes 6-8 weeks to process. And then, I'm also going to have to claim it on my taxes(fed not state)because it more than 600 bucks? I just read that on there website. What kinda bullshit is that? Just for a $1000 dollar winner? :confused:
I'm still stoked I hit it though. :-)

Are you still gonna go out with a guide?
Super slow down low on our rivers. But allot of salmon are just kickin it bellow the battlecreek hatchery on the Sac rite now. I believe up there opens the first. It's gonna be fucking crazy up there though. Always is lol
I'm waiting for @nuggs to call me when the bite picks up, then head down to his neck of the woods and fish with him.
I haven't caught a salmon yet, so I look forward to catching some this year.
Right after my light dep is done, I'm planning a rock cod & crab combo fishing trip in Mendocino. I need to fill my freezers 8-)

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
figured as much wine is no good for hangovers
I had nothing else to drink. I only buy one 6pack every other weekend because I'm on a diet and my rum, ,whiskey, vodka, etc. were still in the liquor cabinet back at the other house.

The only thing I had to drink at the apartments was 4 bottles of wine I got for helping my friends cousin move.


Staff member
I had nothing else to drink. I only buy one 6pack every other weekend because I'm on a diet and my rum, ,whiskey, vodka, etc. were still in the liquor cabinet back at the other house.

The only thing I had to drink at the apartments was 4 bottles of wine I got for helping my friends cousin move.
well i hope youre feeling better