Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Thought it was odd that it changed but I quoted him just in case he was a fellow chaser.
I love the Gunslinger books. Pretty much love all Stephen King.
I went to China back in the early 90's trying to get a furniture import business going with my pops. I was there for about 2 months trying to get the factories going but that's another story in it's self. Anyway I went through the Gunslinger Series and a few other books. Good stuff. Always pictured Clint Eastwood while reading them.


Well-Known Member
Wow some people. ..so we recently made our birth announcement on Facebook. ..all went well until a few days ago...I received a email from a "friend" asking that I not flaunt my pregnancy in her face...she had a miscarriage at 6 months a few yrs ago ..
Talk about selfish. ..she went on a rant about how people should be aware and be sensitive. .that's right apparently none of her Facebook friends should talk about pregnancy because it upsets her....

I responded by asking her to unfriend me...explaining that my pregnancy had nothing to do with her...

Kinda feel bad ...no person should go through what she has...but if she doesn't give a rats ass about my feelings it's really hard to sympathize with her...
Unfriend and congratulations.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I hope to god you have air conditioning?
Thanks :) yes I have air conditioning, but I rarely ever use it. We are Los Angeles county electric pricing tiers, it's insane and painful. I'm considering adding A/C and CO2 to my grow but even then they just yield a little lighter during the heat so it's hard to justify. I only had to shut the lights off twice this season (canopy above 105), tmi LOL


Pickle Queen
What a skank ass thing to say. The quality and kindness of her posts are plain, so all you did there was reveal the petty passive-aggressive vindictiveness you bring to people of actual quality.

Bahaha. ..her kindness for me has simply been returned. ..I never did anything to her..she hates me because of the past sunni / april issues...so who's really at fault...Ur post is simply ironic. ..

What's ur problem with me? Ur just another sheep...bahhhhh...