Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
/start rant

This so-called "company" I work for is full of shit in kinda the same way as the heads-up-ass federal gov. Bureaucrats are bureaucrats - fuckin idiots. Lying idiots at that. Always blaming everyone else for their failures. Just sit around in meetings blowing smoke up each others' asses while trying to come up with new and improved ways to make everyone else's jobs suck. Fucking Fantasyland...

/end rant.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
/start rant

This so-called "company" I work for is full of shit in kinda the same way as the heads-up-ass federal gov. Bureaucrats are bureaucrats - fuckin idiots. Lying idiots at that. Always blaming everyone else for their failures. Just sit around in meetings blowing smoke up each others' asses while trying to come up with new and improved ways to make everyone else's jobs suck. Fucking Fantasyland...

/end rant.
Sounds like my hubby's job. He has an interview for a new job on tuesday.

20% pay increase and closers to home.

Here's hoping!