Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Pouzzafest again this year I reckon. Go get drunk and punch some evil punk rockers like jesus wants.

And fuck yhe cops who keep doing house checks like please stop dropping by at dinner on a friday night... I got kids and shit to watch. Aint no time fo mr policemon.

Dont think they liked lasy time when I opened door they said "stoned farmer just here to check" so I said alrighty then m80 and shut door and proceeded to eat my dinner. Lady was all who was that? I was all yakno dem boys who want to shut down the parta yahyah jah no.

Now let's drop some acid and throw my kids in the oven, they should learn some history and everyone says it is st paddy day parade so I will blacken my lady eye and proceed yo down some Jameson while watching footy or just keep cookinh food and drinking


Well-Known Member
I chose to troll people on fb today, turns out I used my own acct for that. A little high toncheck who I trolled.

guess this means I earnedd moar likka


Staff member
I just noticed i can report my own posts. Lmao do people do that?
its used quite frequently.

-posted personal information by accident via photo
- posted a photo that has a clear shot of their fingerprints
- posted a double, triple etc thread
- posted in the wrong section would like it moved
- posted something that made them paranoid

the list goes on.