no top hat and monocle, but there were argyle socks there a top hat and monocle involved and if so yes. top hat and monocle, but there were argyle socks involved.
I can't see your pic bro!oh, to hell with it.
wait so the thought of uncle buck wearing a tux and argyle socks gets you extra hard?arrrrgyle, reminds me of catholic skoo. extra hard.
really? i'll have to try it again. give me 5 or 10.I can't see your pic bro!
i AM black.BUCK! You said you were black!
You lied to me....
too clean cut for menaturally, i'm the one with the drink.
legend of zelda was the best game ever*pushes up glasses* Well the Triforce is sort of this magical artifact in the Zelda universe. When the three goddesses created Hyrule, they departed for the Heavens. At the spot where they left Hyrule and entered the Heavens, the Triforce was formed. Well, the Triforce happens to hold the power to basically grant the wish of whoever touches it, be them good or evil. The three parts of the triforce represent courage, power, and wisdom. The only way to have FULL control over the triforce is to obtain all of these virtues (and/or be pure of heart.. not entirely sure here).
This wasn't as easy to explain as I thought it would be, lol.
I pegged you more for the squinty eyed pee wee herman fellow in front!too clean cut for mebut youre cute sweetie
that would be the guy who fucked the girl i had a crush on while i was away for a week.The two guys on the right are disturbing me.
i rock the best beard out of anyone in my closest friends circle. don't hate.too clean cut for mebut youre cute sweetie