Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
LOL I put a friend's LinkedIn Profile picture as a texture on a 3d model and made this:



Well-Known Member
Just figured out my timer has not been working and my girls have been in dark for quite some time... They where feminized seeds bet they are herm plants now.. The car lot is taking over my human experience


Well-Known Member
DUDE! My ex's child support was lowered to a whopping $15 a month. Are you friggin serious, Judge? He's NEVER been ordered to pay more than $50 a month (TOTAL) and he never even paid that! He could go all year without paying it and only owe $600. And he did go years and years without paying it, and never once got his license taken away. $15 a month. 15 fucking dollars a month. Why even bother? It's not worth the minimum wage we pay our state workers to track him down and take it from his paycheck...
At least you don't have to pay him, like my ex has to pay me...:clap:

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
My cat had 4 kittens last night, boy she was grumpy this morning. She beat up her sister and the dogs lol, she seems to have chilled out some now.


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think? Vikings or pirates? Not a who would win in a fight question, just what do you think is more bad ass? They are both ruthless, drunkards, money obsessed, terrors of the sea and plunderers of the land. Discussing it with a couple friends right now too, it's a damn tough decision


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think? Vikings or pirates? Not a who would win in a fight question, just what do you think is more bad ass? They are both ruthless, drunkards, money obsessed, terrors of the sea and plunderers of the land. Discussing it with a couple friends right now too, it's a damn tough decision
Vikings, because it was their whole culture. Pirates were usually a group of people from various "normal" cultures who decided to try to be cool like vikings.


Well-Known Member
Vikings, because it was their whole culture. Pirates were usually a group of people from various "normal" cultures who decided to try to be cool like vikings.
good deal! I'm still leaning towards pirates just because, but that makes sense. That's the next point I'll bring up lol, no ones trying to win the conversation we're just talking about how awesome both groups/types are!

Edit: we have decided on a wedding plan. If I were to be the dude getting married, I would be dressed as a pirate captain and the girl in old fancy clothes (prob looking like a wench lol) and we would do the whole black make-up under the eyes, messy/braided hair and full beard and everything. There will be large wooden mugs and shit tons of rum and mead and all the guest will be dressed as pirate crew. We'll serve mutton and large cuts from loafs of bread and lamb and some other dishes, prob some kind of fish. And for music we'll have alestorm come play live! It'll be the greatest party ever

That would be the most epic wedding, think of the stories you can tell! (until the rum and mead kick in) :fire:


Well-Known Member
if we're talking afloat Im going pirates. Cannonballs. On land I'll take a Viking everytime, well except for todays somali Pirates, they have better guns than say Captain Hooks flintlock.


Well-Known Member
if we're talking afloat Im going pirates. Cannonballs. On land I'll take a Viking everytime, well except for todays somali Pirates, they have better guns than say Captain Hooks flintlock.
I'll bring the destroyer and a sharpshooter so we can ask them to come out and talk like the last time the SEALs splattered their shit all over the deck.