Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Who the fuck sets off loud ass fickin fireworks at 1am on a goddamn weekday

Fucking disrespectful little fucking shit heads

Fucking idiots
New mother will kill you for messing with her sleep
Just found out that this kid died yesterday, apparently his jeep rolled over on him. (?)
Terribly sad, such a young life and a promising career...

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Edit: The jeep (faulty/recalled?) slipped out of gear and crushed him to death against his own driveway gate/wall. :(
How awful....
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Just found out that this kid died yesterday, apparently his jeep rolled over on him. (?)
Terribly sad, such a young life and a promising career...

View attachment 3713526

Edit: The jeep (faulty/recalled?) slipped out of gear and crushed him to death against his own driveway gate/wall. :(
How awful....
Anton Yelchin, 27. Yeah he was talented. Today is a good day to not be dead. Be careful out there people.
Edit: The jeep (faulty/recalled?) slipped out of gear and crushed him to death against his own driveway gate/wall. :(
How awful....

It's sad, but it's operator error, shouldn't be a recall, it's kinda BS. The shifter only rocks forward/back, and then recenters itself, not like old cars that actually shifted through the gears and you knew what gear you were in. Many new cars are like that, you need to pay attention to which gear you're in.

They are recalling it because you actually have to look to see what gear you're in, and that confused too many people leading to accidents. ...so because people are stupid:dunce:, not a fault of the manufacturer.
So, just because I've got the 'creepy old Addams Family house' you feel it's perfectly FINE to blow your deck shavings and lawnmower trimmings into MY yard, eh? I see how it's gonna be....and to top it off, the fucker looks and acts like the cuck dad from that friggin Urkel show! :roll:

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