Well-Known Member
2. Oc80 and 120mg dex and 120mg oc80 and 14mg xanax= my body feels warm tingly annd im either puking from thw opes or my flu idk and idc its in a bag
I have flcut back a ton dude.Ay man whatever happened to using kpins and push through the withdrawal.
Use that chart I showed you and monitor symptoms
2. Oc80 and 120mg dex and 120mg oc80 and 14mg xanax= my body feels warm tingly annd im either puking from thw opes or my flu idk and idc its in a bag
This isnt malt likka noe noe knowJust no etoh!
Well only a little
that might be the one guy that loves cats more than youStory time
So I was 18 in july when I was arrested just turning 19 in auguat..
Well I am in thw bullpin at college park was caught with 500 oxy a tool and a blade plus 1 g of weed which was irrelevemtbat the time of arrest.
This gjy in lock up qith me has 6 cats. He gets called to court. Qhen I got out my wicey at the tome tella me how he attackex the judge when he got denied bail.
He was mad he coulsnt see hia cats.
Not a fucking joke
I neverseen man as angry as hewas.that might be the one guy that loves cats more than you
Is this enough to trip
Im auch a noob
Ahould i do another q?
Brb finding more in the box of sf aex foys
Im the originator of the octuple you even sextuple post?