Random Jibber Jabber Thread

A little late again. Here are NGCs 6939 (the cluster) and 6946 (the galaxy). Both are easy fuzzies in my 20x90s. cn

not many of my drunken, 3am epiphanies come to fruition, but last night's epiphany did.

"dude, you should totally block off the back of the laundry room and put plants there at night after leaving them outside for 12 hours!"

so i woke up, ripped the old plastic off the greenhouse, built a little access fence to the back of the GH (early season crops in back are blocked off from chicken interference), built a light proof wall in my laundry room, bought some soil, and cleaned out some 5 gallon buckets. just waiting for a nice dry day to replasticize the greenhouse now.

then, i realized that i could do several rounds of force flower plants, making the idea about 3x better.

total cost of dark sheet, soil and other supplies is just under $140, and i should be able to do 3 rounds @ 2 pounds a go.

not a bad idea/investment.
Here's a binocular pair more suited to this season. M97 is the Owl Nebula, one of the brighter planetaries, but with its low surface brightness favors the rural observer. M108 is the galaxy presented nearly edge-on.

I MUST clean my telescope mirror. cn

Here's a binocular pair more suited to this season. M97 is the Owl Nebula, one of the brighter planetaries, but with its low surface brightness favors the rural observer. M108 is the galaxy presented nearly edge-on.

I MUST clean my telescope mirror. cn


Looks like I have me a challenge. :p

I will find you!!! (Daniel Day Lewis)
I forgot to mention that this pair is a coupla degrees south and east of Merak, the southerly star in the Pointers, the pair at the leading edge of the Big Dipper. cn
A can of pear halves, finished off the stuffed green olives. Made a french toast bagel from the deli left of from the morning. Now I see there's some motherfuckin' cool whip up in this piece!? Did I mention there are bags of frozen fruits in the freezer and one lone homemade buttermilk biscuit left?

See you on the other side of my food coma.
You are definitely straight. I don't keep up with Hockey but I'm sure it's a fun sport. I don't like it because they wear too much clothing.

This is me at 0:26, except instead of party, I would say, "I wanna stargaze with you!" This is exactly how I pictured myself saying this, haha.


One of my favorite movies ever by the way.

EDIT: Oops, I meant to quote Cannibineer's post about the stars and shit. But I want to stargaze with you too, Carne :)
A can of pear halves, finished off the stuffed green olives. Made a french toast bagel from the deli left of from the morning. Now I see there's some motherfuckin' cool whip up in this piece!? Did I mention there are bags of frozen fruits in the freezer and one lone homemade buttermilk biscuit left?

See you on the other side of my food coma.
got me some maryland crabcakes! I'd better reach my lifetime quota before the fish all my shellfish out and were all eating farm raised tilapia lmao!
Holy crap, I've had a sinus infection develope over the last two days. Lucky I get weekends off! I've got boogies coming out of my eye sinuses to the point I was constantly wiping out eye snot. This lead to what feels like a scratched left eye ball to the point of seeing a rainbow halo around lights with said eye. Its starting to become bearable now that I've has some access to visene and alchohol. If the eyeball "scratch" doesn't feel any better by tomorrow I may go get it checked out. And I hope this sinus infection goes away by Monday.

There goes my snowboarding plans this weekend...