Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
2013-03-179520.55.14.jpg2013-03-179520.55.08.jpgShe's started swelling around her eyes. The vet said we got her in for help in the nick of time. And yes, i'm filing charges. I'm definitely filing charges. I bet he felt like a real big man killing a tiny barking cat. Fucking prick. Bella at least will be OK. She has to take some medicine and we have to get her labs taken again tomorrow to make sure it's all going well but she'll live through this. Meanwhile, I got me a redneck to skin.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2574220View attachment 2574221She's started swelling around her eyes. The vet said we got her in for help in the nick of time. And yes, i'm filing charges. I'm definitely filing charges. I bet he felt like a real big man killing a tiny barking cat. Fucking prick. Bella at least will be OK. She has to take some medicine and we have to get her labs taken again tomorrow to make sure it's all going well but she'll live through this. Meanwhile, I got me a redneck to skin.
Never ever personally handle a vendetta. =) True story. And, you're nice, so it's going to be bad for you, they'll use poison; that's a cowards trick, and a coward will always lash out at your weakest and most vulnerable. Personally, I'd take a rubber mallet to his skull, but, like I said, you're nice, you'd stop too soon. If it was antifreeze used, keep high-grain alcohol on hand in case it happens in the future (do your research first, so ya' know why I'm suggesting it.) Glad your doggie's gonna be ok. Animal torturers are sick fucks.


Well-Known Member
I never do. Honestly, I don't. I usually don't even have to ask, it just gets taken care of. In fact, lol, I usually ask for it NOT to happen. I'm not much for mean-ness.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear all that Rainbow. Thats just fucked and cowardly. Some people are truely useless pieces of shit.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Yes I do. I have some goddamn honky ass neighbors with 25 fucking campers in their yard all housing pieces of shit from our very own local neighborhood (so proud). Their dogs came into my yard and killed my sons goat. My dog killed their dogs. They wanted my dog put down. I won in court. They got new dogs. Those dogs came over to slaughter 2 of our hens. I started building a taller fence. Now my fucking dogs are poisoned. I...am...sorry. I don't mean to curse at you. I'm very angry.
I remember when a neighbor's dogs came around and started after me, and my dogs beat the holy bejesus out of them...then my dogs came up poisoned with gopher pellets. Then my neighbor's trailer burned. Faulty wiring ;). Don't fuck with a crazy person.


Well-Known Member
I would never burn a trailer down...
It's certainly not for everyone, but it's not like it was the one they LIVED in or anything...just the one they kept their shit in. I never understood that one, myself...you've got money for two trailers and a ton of crap...why not just get a house?


Well-Known Member
God, what a nightmare with the dogs. I've only gone back 2 pages. If I was multi millionaire I'd offer to move Rainbow out of there and set up an animal shelter elsewhere. Like a proper charity. Dog poisoning has gone on for decades. My mums Labrador was poisoned in the 1960's by a mad neighbour. The thing is that situations with neighbours like this are rarely resolved. If it happened to me idk what I'd do. Prob tell my friends (they're a serious bunch) and let justice be done! I think I'd do time for a man over my pets.

Well done to Rainbow for continuing her rescue work. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes. Yes I do. I have some goddamn honky ass neighbors with 25 fucking campers in their yard all housing pieces of shit from our very own local neighborhood (so proud). Their dogs came into my yard and killed my sons goat. My dog killed their dogs. They wanted my dog put down. I won in court. They got new dogs. Those dogs came over to slaughter 2 of our hens. I started building a taller fence. Now my fucking dogs are poisoned. I...am...sorry. I don't mean to curse at you. I'm very angry.
After you take a course on how to make napalm learn how to use explosives. This will get you farther than the courts will.My lab is my best friend , no one does this to my best friend


Well-Known Member
It's certainly not for everyone, but it's not like it was the one they LIVED in or anything...just the one they kept their shit in. I never understood that one, myself...you've got money for two trailers and a ton of crap...why not just get a house?
Did you know that if youve served your country in an armed force and had any kind of mos that dealt with hand to hand and or weapons training your held to a higher degree of law EVEN if uncle sam says yer fucken nuts? Cop's are like YOUR NOT A CIVILAIN THO!


Well-Known Member
God, what a nightmare with the dogs. I've only gone back 2 pages. If I was multi millionaire I'd offer to move Rainbow out of there and set up an animal shelter elsewhere. Like a proper charity. Dog poisoning has gone on for decades. My mums Labrador was poisoned in the 1960's by a mad neighbour. The thing is that situations with neighbours like this are rarely resolved. If it happened to me idk what I'd do. Prob tell my friends (they're a serious bunch) and let justice be done! I think I'd do time for a man over my pets.

Well done to Rainbow for continuing her rescue work. :)

I wonder if pets realize how many SERIOUS people are willing to advocate for them lol, I can tellm you this in all candor....my dog is my kid......I am not afraid of being danger close to death, or seeing the pink mist of animal abusers behind my vapor trails....yes yes explosives are def a top 5 in my book but there's something to be said for a good crossbow in the treeline, that or a .308 lmao. Cull the animal abuse genome first i say!


Active Member
just the fact that cops use k9s in dangerous situatuations is rediculous, 2 k9 cops got away with leaving dogs in hot cars till death here in Az in the last couple years, u punch dog its assaulting an officer, cop kills dog and they get paid leave. both cops had lame fucking excuses too, this is the fucking desert ya know