Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh and I've used the line with success "hey girl you want some cream in your coffee." I already knew the girl so it's not like it was the opener lol


Well-Known Member
I've shoveled the barn, dragged the driveway, taken care of the animals and watered my girls. The party doesn't start for 2 more hours.

Maybe I'll go looking for buck sheds in the woods for a while.


Well-Known Member
I've shoveled the barn, dragged the driveway, taken care of the animals and watered my girls. The party doesn't start for 2 more hours.

Maybe I'll go looking for buck sheds in the woods for a while.
Do you need me to drive by and hit a few deer so you have to work? I'll only hit the ones I see that appear to have wasting disease. That way we're conservationists.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Is that something you could do? I don't know a thing about it except for it seems like you have the climate. Then you have to invest in roating them too I guess.
I'll be living on hilo side. I'm not sure if the climate is right for coffee to grow there, too wet I'm thinking. but I'm just guessing. might be possible


Well-Known Member
Do you need me to drive by and hit a few deer so you have to work? I'll only hit the ones I see that appear to have wasting disease. That way we're conservationists.
Lol, I have deer to pick up but I'm taking this weekend off, worked all last weekend. I don't pick up in the CWD area either, the DNR have a lot of rules to the disposal of those deer, huge headache.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I usually can only drink about a cup and a half or I get jittery. But I don't drink it every day.

My husband was telling me yesterday that his dad smokes 3 packs of cigarrettes a day! That is over a hundred dollars a week on cigarettes!!!


Well-Known Member
Is that something you could do? I don't know a thing about it except for it seems like you have the climate. Then you have to invest in roating them too I guess.
Yup, you can regardless of climate too... you can grow coffee hydro - tis been done in Concord, Mass basement. :)


Well-Known Member
I usually can only drink about a cup and a half or I get jittery. But I don't drink it every day.

My husband was telling me yesterday that his dad smokes 3 packs of cigarrettes a day! That is over a hundred dollars a week on cigarettes!!!
I was smoking a pack and a half a day when I quit cold turkey. One of the better things I've done, and I'm proud enough about it to remember the day I quit. Cigs are totally evil.

That being said, I love smoking, and thought cigarettes were awesome. It's just that when I first started smoking, I always told myself "You know you have to quit someday."...Just glad that day was still in my mid twenties, and not when I'm 48 diagnosed with emphysema or worse.


Well-Known Member
I usually buy what's on sale. I also need my creamer in there. amaretto, irish cream, hazelnut. anyone of those or all 3 combined makes my coffee excellent

damn kona coffeee beans are so expensive. I should grow my own coffee lol
If i lived where you do i would grow my own coffee

pretty cool looking plant too


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I was smoking a pack and a half a day when I quit cold turkey. One of the better things I've done, and I'm proud enough about it to remember the day I quit. Cigs are totally evil.

That being said, I love smoking, and thought cigarettes were awesome. It's just that when I first started smoking, I always told myself "You know you have to quit someday."...Just glad that day was still in my mid twenties, and not when I'm 48 diagnosed with emphysema or worse.
I had such a hard time getting my husband to quit. He thought there was nothing wrong with it because his dad and all his male relatives smoked like chimneys.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
If i lived where you do i would grow my own coffee

pretty cool looking plant too

I might look into it. I don't know shit about growing coffee beans though lol

I am gonna plant some lychee trees. they take forever to bear fruit though. but I love me some lychee

aren't you growing a cocao plant or something?


Well-Known Member
I might look into it. I don't know shit about growing coffee beans though lol

I am gonna plant some lychee trees. they take forever to bear fruit though. but I love me some lychee
Haha...it took almost 10 years for my Loquat tree to start bearing fruit. I almost forgot about it, then one day a SINGLE oraange loquat grew on the 10 foot tall tree...next season the were everywhere, and the birds had a wonderful time eating them before I could get to a ripe one...Now I have to put mesh bags over the fruit if I want them to be intact for a ripe harvest.


Well-Known Member
I might look into it. I don't know shit about growing coffee beans though lol

I am gonna plant some lychee trees. they take forever to bear fruit though. but I love me some lychee

aren't you growing a cocao plant or something?
yea, but I just have them sitting by a window and I guess winter light is not strong or long enough. They pretty much went dormant ,but one has started growing again.

I'll make an update soon. I figured it was pointless if you couldn't see any change


Well-Known Member
yea, but I just have them sitting by a window and I guess winter light is not strong or long enough. They pretty much went dormant ,but one has started growing again.

I'll make an update soon. I figured it was pointless if you couldn't see any change

well I put it like this, they only had a 3 month growing period when they arrived. And they were little frail baby seedlings for 2 months lol.

This year they have the whole season and can skip the germination step. I almost want to get larger pots , for such small plants they drink some fuck water. Every time I check on them they need a drizzle


Well-Known Member
So, I've been wondering...do you hang things on your walls? I don't. I've never felt the urge to put up pictures or posters or anything. My walls are bare except for the corkboard my wife has hanging over by her desk. What is the point?


Well-Known Member
So, I've been wondering...do you hang things on your walls? I don't. I've never felt the urge to put up pictures or posters or anything. My walls are bare except for the corkboard my wife has hanging over by her desk. What is the point?
I hate nails in walls, so I cover them with Art/Photos.