Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
anyone else seeing the live footage from the fertilizer plant that had an explosion in waco? 10 buildings on fire and they are using a football field for triage.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I don't have the interest like I did when I was in my 20's! I wouldn't have the time anymore, I would rather post here than make updates and tweaks lol.
Yup....I hear you.....Got to move forward....by the way....I read that post you put up the other day of those youngsters talking crap around your kiddo.....just wanted to let you know that you could have called on me and WE would have washed out thier mouth with soap.....That chapped my hide somewhat fierce!!! just thought I would share that with you!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yup....I hear you.....Got to move forward....by the way....I read that post you put up the other day of those youngsters talking crap around your kiddo.....just wanted to let you know that you could have called on me and WE would have washed out thier mouth with soap.....That chapped my hide somewhat fierce!!! just thought I would share that with you!!!!
I put the kid in his place pretty well, I think the girls that were sitting there will in fact remember that little interaction in the future when it comes to their friend. I told my pops and he was visably pissed, at the end he smiled and said "good job".


New Member
Dude, how many years has the smartphone been out and people STILL hold it like that, that and people with shakey ass hands will forever be a mystery to me, should even be a difference between an amature and a new name for something below that.


Well-Known Member
omg i forgot why i came in here...my buddy thought he was sending a dick pic to this chick and he actually posted it on facebook instead LOL that's why they call it DOPE :eyesmoke:

I was on Facebook a while back and I guess this girl had a stalker . So she posted all the conversations and the dick pic to the news feed thingy.

Shit was funny as hell, she even tagged the dick picture with his name.


Active Member
the simpsons has to be the greatest show of all time. its been on for 3 generations (my dad, me and my son), its not had 1 discernibly bad season, hundreds of classic episodes characters quotes ideas, and its relatable to everyone. just watched S24E17 "What Animated Women Want".

I have beat off at more jobs than most people have had jobs, lol
and Not watchin the american ideal there toughy! lol again
oh shit thats hilarious!


Well-Known Member

WEST, Texas—A massive explosion at a fertilizer plant here has left up to 15 people missing or dead, a figure that may rise, said local police officials. More than 150 people have been treated for injuries, according to local hospitals.

thoughts and prayers for those who were hurt or killed...

but I have a ? here locally we have laws about not being allowed to grow within 1000 feet of a school..

yet Texas has a fert plant that close to schools and nursing homes?


Well-Known Member

WEST, Texas—A massive explosion at a fertilizer plant here has left up to 15 people missing or dead, a figure that may rise, said local police officials. More than 150 people have been treated for injuries, according to local hospitals.

thoughts and prayers for those who were hurt or killed...

but I have a ? here locally we have laws about not being allowed to grow within 1000 feet of a school..

yet Texas has a fert plant that close to schools and nursing homes?
jesus.. really! wtf is going on. my thoughts go out to those injured or killed.

they thinking this is deliberate as well?