Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Maybe with power and responsibility comes small AVI.. big power =small Avi. I will close my eyes and open them again as i wish really hard for you to be large again. xoxo


Well-Known Member
doesnt matter cause i had one you wouldnt see it anyways since its so small
lol I can't stop laughing, I think it's time for me to go pass out

Good night riu, take care of your mirco penis pet sunni lol, or whatever it is.

Hope your avi is bigger tomorrow.


Staff member
lol I can't stop laughing, I think it's time for me to go pass out

Good night riu, take care of your mirco penis pet sunni lol, or whatever it is.

Hope your avi is bigger tomorrow.
guess i shouldnt have gone swimming while theres still ice and snow here


Well-Known Member
lol jesus you 2 are 2 much for me right now.

Good night guys, and of course ladies.

Have a great evening/morning wherever you are, toke up and enjoy :D


lol jesus you 2 are 2 much for me right now.

Good night guys, and of course ladies.

Have a great evening/morning wherever you are, toke up and enjoy :D
do you think he is talking about us? lol .. make sure you let everyone know that your penis is just as big if not bigger than theirs .. its just inside out. Maybe your Avi was turned inside out? lol
Night Giggles...


here it goes.. lol i am having a party all by myself..
OMG OMG.... here it is my first big RIU mile stone.. the big 50.. i hope i will be as excited when its my age that hits that number. i think it will be mre like nah, its my 25th b-day for the 25th time.. lol
50 yayy.jpg


Well-Known Member
As long as we are talking milestone I just hit 1k post.. I'd like to thank my family, all of you guys and girls out there, Jesus ( not the son if god the Mexican who I first smoked with), the inventor of the slinky, mother nature of course, watermelon sour patch kids, Albert Hofmann, bho, and your mom. Not in that order.


I am a more of the a rocker chick love Carly but more in the mood for Faster Pussycat,,,



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but what the fuck did I just watch? This is only slightly better than that God awful rap video we watched earlier.