Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
okay ill take some soup, a cold wash cloth, and some tea please ...

fever check
sore throat check

we'll just say it isnt a sunni day for me haha

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
LMAO.....my son walked in earlier....he is working 10hr days. I was sitting on the front deck sipping on a frosty....as he walks by looking tired and dejected...I mutter 10 down...30 to go...Muahahahahah!!! LMAO...ahhhhhh I love retirement. I KNOW...That was Shitty of me ha??? LMAO oh well ...Suck it up sonny! Dont want to go to school...then go to WORK!!!

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Wake up. Pee. Go back to bed. Still feel like I gotta pee. Get up. Try to pee. Not working. Now I need to shit. Not working.

Now I am hungry.

Story of my life right now.
Baby is still clutching on to the womb ha Ms Pie......Tell you what.....come daylight you go for a good walk...encourage the rascal to come on outa there!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
LMAO.....my son walked in earlier....he is working 10hr days. I was sitting on the front deck sipping on a frosty....as he walks by looking tired and dejected...I mutter 10 down...30 to go...Muahahahahah!!! LMAO...ahhhhhh I love retirement. I KNOW...That was Shitty of me ha??? LMAO oh well ...Suck it up sonny! Dont want to go to school...then go to WORK!!!
I went to school and I still work twelve hours a day... I guess I'm building character... I would have taken the beer out of your hand on the way by tho

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
We should start a pool to see who can guess when pie will have her baby. Who ever is closest pie has to name the child after that person. lol
That would be cute.....Could you imagin....Hey Bear....get the hell out of that right now!!!! Wheres Bear??? Its Bears 1st B day tomorrow. Hmmmm I'm liking this idea!!