Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Im so over the bullshit. Cant wait for the divorce to go thru. Never again will i give any woman my heart and trust. Back to being a slut and only caring about number one.


Well-Known Member
all that work yesterday making hash... smoked a bit and realized I really dont care too much for smoking it.. it does nothing more to me then normal MJ does.. but I do like it in medibles... so wth..

just under a gram shaved up in to some peanut butter and a bit of olive oil.. already had 3 bowls of carmel this am and I am feeling human again..



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Today I took a break in my newly busy condition to take a fast hike in my favorite local land reserve in a geologically fascinating island of hills.
At the end of setting a personal best time and best pace count for "the short loop" of about 2 lumpy miles, I was within 60 paces of the finish line when I inhaled something chunky and still briefly alive. It felt like a a full-sized cockroach but was more than likely a housefly. I promptly coughed it out in a wad of value-added trachea protectant, but I had a massive cough&retch spell. I couldn't get all the FOD feeling out of my windpipe. All the drive home, i was coughing up sheets of phlegm that felt like they had tiny drumsticks in them. I'm sure y'all are delighted to read about this, just as i was delighted to experience it. cn
(1) Never turn down a free meal you may never know where the next one is coming from, otherwise,
(2) Wear a helmet, and
(3) Run uphill, walk downhill until very strong or you can hurt your ass, literally! (LOL)
(4) MOST IMPORTANT we are Apex predators, it's ALL food baby ;)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Im so over the bullshit. Cant wait for the divorce to go thru. Never again will i give any woman my heart and trust. Back to being a slut and only caring about number one.
Ugh I'm sorry, but that is what we all say, man or woman. But most of us faceplant yet again on the treadmill of love.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Im so over the bullshit. Cant wait for the divorce to go thru. Never again will i give any woman my heart and trust. Back to being a slut and only caring about number one.
Don't stay bitter for two long you will just end up alone and miserable, their is someone out there for you not all woman are the same you just have to find that special one enjoy looking.:lol:


Ursus marijanus
(1) Never turn down a free meal you may never know where the next one is coming from, otherwise,
(2) Wear a helmet, and
(3) Run uphill, walk downhill until very strong or you can hurt your ass, literally! (LOL)
(4) MOST IMPORTANT we are Apex predators, it's ALL food baby ;)
I may need to learn the skill of digesting "food" that is trying to decide right or left bronchial tube ...
"inhale my food" remark anticipated ... ;) cn

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Anybody see this video. This elderly lady finds her dog after the tornado while cbs reporters interview her. It brought me to tears.
lady and dog.png



Ursus marijanus
Actually that was an accurate telling. He can be a grumbly bear when he is tired.

He eventually apologized, but I had to explain why it was rude and hurtful in the first place.

He doesn't give a shit about anything when he is tired.
Men who do are wonderful exceptions. I'm available. Ladies of suitable age: Please form a single, orderly line. cn


Well-Known Member
My wife said she misses the way I use to dote on her when she was pregnant. I told her don't get any ideas again until I'm out of school.


Well-Known Member
Today I took a break in my newly busy condition to take a fast hike in my favorite local land reserve in a geologically fascinating island of hills.
At the end of setting a personal best time and best pace count for "the short loop" of about 2 lumpy miles, I was within 60 paces of the finish line when I inhaled something chunky and still briefly alive. It felt like a a full-sized cockroach but was more than likely a housefly. I promptly coughed it out in a wad of value-added trachea protectant, but I had a massive cough&retch spell. I couldn't get all the FOD feeling out of my windpipe. All the drive home, i was coughing up sheets of phlegm that felt like they had tiny drumsticks in them. I'm sure y'all are delighted to read about this, just as i was delighted to experience it. cn


Well-Known Member
Don't stay bitter for two long you will just end up alone and miserable, their is someone out there for you not all woman are the same you just have to find that special one enjoy looking.:lol:
Im not bitter. Its been a long time coming ive just finally hit my breaking point. Shes a good person we just arent compatible anymore.


Well-Known Member
Did you really eat those? If so how were they?
Yea I ate them and bit the head off baby ducks and fed them to some alagators outside a bar in Subic..
I was usually under the influance of ??some thing?? Booze or "H" but it tasted like chicken.. alittle stringy/chewy..
The Ballouke (pickled duck eggs) was hard to keep down mostly after you sobberd up some:).


Staff member
Yea I ate them and bit the head off baby ducks and fed them to some alagators outside a bar in Subic..
I was usually under the influance of ??some thing?? Booze or "H" but it tasted like chicken.. alittle stringy/chewy..
The Ballouke (pickled duck eggs) was hard to keep down mostly after you sobberd up some:).
ive tried "thousand" year old eggs.....:spew:
my friend is chinese and she finally got some into canada from out of town so we tried them and bunch of other things the other stuff was good but the thousand year old eggs...oh my god WHY