Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Good morning all. A lot less frustrating than yesterday. Had to change my septic pump yesterday. For those of you that have never had the pleasure, it is a pump that sits in a basin of 'glitter' inside of your house. Whenever that basin gets to a certain level, it pushes all that 'glitter' into your septic outside of your house. When your pump goes down, all that 'glitter' just sit in the basin and never get pushed out. So yesterday I got the pump all swapped out and it for some reason it still wasn't working. So instead of properly pulling it all back apart to find the problem I did what every normal person would do and just started shaking it . . . then one of the fittings came loose . . . and I just got covered from head to toe in 'glitter'. 'Glitter' on my wall, 'Glitter' in my face. 'Glitter' was fucking everywhere!! I ended up getting it all fixed but the damage was done. What a day. And yes, glitter means shit.


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. A lot less frustrating than yesterday. Had to change my septic pump yesterday. For those of you that have never had the pleasure, it is a pump that sits in a basin of 'glitter' inside of your house. Whenever that basin gets to a certain level, it pushes all that 'glitter' into your septic outside of your house. When your pump goes down, all that 'glitter' just sit in the basin and never get pushed out. So yesterday I got the pump all swapped out and it for some reason it still wasn't working. So instead of properly pulling it all back apart to find the problem I did what every normal person would do and just started shaking it . . . then one of the fittings came loose . . . and I just got covered from head to toe in 'glitter'. 'Glitter' on my wall, 'Glitter' in my face. 'Glitter' was fucking everywhere!! I ended up getting it all fixed but the damage was done. What a day. And yes, glitter means shit.


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. A lot less frustrating than yesterday. Had to change my septic pump yesterday. For those of you that have never had the pleasure, it is a pump that sits in a basin of 'glitter' inside of your house. Whenever that basin gets to a certain level, it pushes all that 'glitter' into your septic outside of your house. When your pump goes down, all that 'glitter' just sit in the basin and never get pushed out. So yesterday I got the pump all swapped out and it for some reason it still wasn't working. So instead of properly pulling it all back apart to find the problem I did what every normal person would do and just started shaking it . . . then one of the fittings came loose . . . and I just got covered from head to toe in 'glitter'. 'Glitter' on my wall, 'Glitter' in my face. 'Glitter' was fucking everywhere!! I ended up getting it all fixed but the damage was done. What a day. And yes, glitter means shit.
Andy understands...truly he does:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Anyone see the Bear in aLA back yard? edit: on CBS

Notice the plants? lol I'll see if it's online.:mrgreen:

On second thought, The dude doesn't need the publicity.


Well-Known Member
first day off in a whileeeee can't wait to throw some dirt gettin pumped up as we speak


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ok so this morning I'm gonna win. I'm in the pool at 4 am (now the pool is over 100 you can only swim early), and naked. So I'm done by 5 and crawl out. Shower, dress and get ready to take the dog out at the butt crack of dawn (it's really beautiful here).

I AM ON FIRE!! This morning. I run, DOWN, the stairs and look around for the dog. He lift's a lazy eye and closes it. I say in my most perky voice, "Let's go walkies." The dog is a terrier so now he's pissed and it's gonna take food to move him. I walk over the fridge and go for the Cheddarwurst. Suddenly Fido's seeing things my way. I hook him up and think, wait, check your email.

Ok check RIU and what do I see but Uncle Buck cleaning the gene pool........ so I thought wait I'll just take one puff to reap the full benefit of UB on wheels......

Uhhhhhhhhh wtf happened! The morning has passed me by and the dog is drooling in my lap...This place just sucks you in eh?

I love all you guys. You make me laugh and that's precious! LOL Good times.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
pics or it didn't happen :joint:
Now just how do you get pics of yourself swimming? In the dark, at night, in an unlit pool; I ask you?

Ok I swear this was just a coincidence. Unfortunately, the pilot is still 'snow' blind. So they are unable to pinpoint the exact location of the occurrence and now it's time for me to go to the gym ;)


New Member
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^you guys gotta pay if you wanna view my cameras I have out there.Btw,thnks to Curious,HsG,Sunni,April, and RIU's most viewed - Beardo( u sik fawks)


Well-Known Member
GIF Creator Sets Record Straight: It's Pronounced 'JIF'

It turns out choosy graphics creators also choose "JIF."
During Tuesday's annual Webby Awards ceremony, GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) creator Steve Wilhite put to rest the question of the animated images' correct pronunciation.
The simple answer: Much like the peanut butter brand, it's a soft "G."
Wilhite accepted a lifetime achievement award at the Webby's, which require winners to limit their acceptance speeches to five words.

"Instead of speaking his five words tonight, Steve is using his own invention to accept his award," Tumblr founder David Karp said in introducing him (video below).


Screw that I am still calling it GIF like gift..
