Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
I frequently don't tip. If the food is slow, cold, incorrect. If I'm not promptly and amicably served... It's my money, and it's a tip for service above and beyond the norm.

On the flip side, if I'm being an asshole, being loud, not monitoring my language, enjoying the fermented demons in bottles, etc. If the waitress is cute, and I've embarrassed her.

Tipping is not mandatory, but, bragging about never tipping -- that's just being a cunt.

still bullshit.No tip = fucked up,even if everything isn't perfect


Well-Known Member
Chances are the server didnt fuck your food up. A guy in the back making $10 or so more an hour than the server did. Be careful going back to the same places without tipping.


Well-Known Member
Around 1926, the first commercially successful continuous process freezer for ice cream was invented by Clarence Vogt.

I LOVE ice cream!


Well-Known Member
I hear ben amd jerry's has a flavor named in The Dudes honor coming out. Or is out, I'm not a fan of The Big Lebowski

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
still bullshit.No tip = fucked up,even if everything isn't perfect
no way bro. I've had them forget appetizers,bring wrong salad even wrong steak. No tip for you

Bother me every 5 minutes asking if everything is ok, do I need a refill. Less of a tip. If I need a refill I'll look for you, you should be paying attention.

The ideal waiter/ess should be seen but not heard available but not overreaching.
Last time I went out w/the wife we went to a pretty upscale restaurant. It was mid afternoon and they weren't so busy. The wifes chicken thingy was overdone and all dried out. The waitress took one look at it and got another coming. Refilled my glass on time. Extremely nice lady. I tipped her almost 30 buks on a 70 dollar meal. made her day I'm sure.

Half the time I go to fridays it seems like their staff is more interested in chatting than service. The steak is overdone every dam time. I rarely leave a tip there. I only go back cuz their jack daniels sauce is outta sight.