Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
Fit test results

[h=5]april 30th
switch kicks: 44
power jacks : 27
power knees left: 40
power jumps: 14
globe jumps:7
suicide3 jumps:7
push up jacks: 13
knee pushups thingies : 40

june 4th
switch kicks: 65
power jacks:40
power knees: 70
power jumps:25
suicide jumps:11
globe jumps:7
push up jacks20
knee pushups40[/h]

match box

Well-Known Member
recycled an old pet mesh screen and some garden screen to keep the damn flies out.. they figured out how much cooler it is in this room

now to install some AC for the 106+ were gonna get soon..

79 here today. I don't know how you can stand 106. I would put some ice cubes in a zip bag and put it in my shorts.lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
78° here.. beautiful day

Greenhouse temp got to a high of 94° so far..:shock:

Good thing for tradewinds...


Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
recycled an old pet mesh screen and some garden screen to keep the damn flies out.. they figured out how much cooler it is in this room

now to install some AC for the 106+ were gonna get soon..
It was 108 today, broke the record of 105 set back in 2006 or something like that according to the radio. And I was out mowing grass all day, at least it was pretty cloudy.


Well-Known Member
Fit test results

april 30th
switch kicks: 44
power jacks : 27
power knees left: 40
power jumps: 14
globe jumps:7
suicide3 jumps:7
push up jacks: 13
knee pushups thingies : 40

june 4th
switch kicks: 65
power jacks:40
power knees: 70
power jumps:25
suicide jumps:11
globe jumps:7
push up jacks20
knee pushups40

Good work, Sunni. Results!!!!!

MMMMmmm Push ups..

I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin by,...



Well-Known Member
house is clean, neverending harvest is all in jars and put neatly away, new fans for the greenhouses just in time for the toasty weather, and just waiting until it gets dark to blast all my babies with neem.

oh, wait. still need to do laundry. knew i was forgetting something.


Well-Known Member
How do I delete threads and posts?
It is only fair I should be able to, someone please how I do this