Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Pickle Queen
lol This was just sent to me :) [video=youtube;8Uee_mcxvrw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Uee_mcxvrw[/video]

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
I'm out of smoke but I got half a Deamster joint I've had set aside for about a year. Time to get my inner shaman on. I've got to be mentally prepared.


Well-Known Member
Went out with an old friend to a festival. Got hit on and had to say I was happily married. She still pressed, repeated myself and left. Was good to see my friend got off the narcotics and looks healthy again. Made plans for a bbq.


Well-Known Member
Sons birthday party was a success today. Hes six now. Got some really cool shit. I got him a brand new shakespear fishing pole with a little tackle box and his first paintball gun !!! Not some little kid gun either. Got him a big boy gun. He bout pissed himself with excitement when he opened it.


New Member
Life is fucked up.I moved far from home.Its been a few years.I thought 'm living pretty good.Cool house,scenery,toys,kickin stereo to party with and whatever but I sit here alone.I don't know any good people around here.I guess I'll sit here on the porch n spark this one up and enjoy satelitte radio and the mid night sun.I get the best sun sets at my house(well 20 years more of payments and its mine)


Well-Known Member
Absolutely loving my friends second new club!! It's only been open a week and has 500 members already!!!

See ya down at Green Age !!! What a great use of 300 sq m !!!

A real plant in the club!



Well-Known Member
I love my circle of friends. Always something happening out here. This particular friend knows everyone (weed ind) !! I'm not surprised he's pulled this off so effortlessly.


Well-Known Member
Life is fucked up.I moved far from home.Its been a few years.I thought 'm living pretty good.Cool house,scenery,toys,kickin stereo to party with and whatever but I sit here alone.I don't know any good people around here.I guess I'll sit here on the porch n spark this one up and enjoy satelitte radio and the mid night sun.I get the best sun sets at my house(well 20 years more of payments and its mine)


Well-Known Member
Life is fucked up.I moved far from home.Its been a few years.I thought 'm living pretty good.Cool house,scenery,toys,kickin stereo to party with and whatever but I sit here alone.I don't know any good people around here.I guess I'll sit here on the porch n spark this one up and enjoy satelitte radio and the mid night sun.I get the best sun sets at my house(well 20 years more of payments and its mine)
You coming back to visit? I'll roll ya joint if ya do.