Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
my mom posted on a facebook group i usually never read this shitbut some guy started going on off on on her views ect.
free to do freedom of speech
i checked his fb out, hes racist, hes a homophobe. he told my mom he will pray for her in hell ect ect hes being a right dick wad
i sure gave him quite the speech


Well-Known Member
my mom posted on a facebook group i usually never read this shitbut some guy started going on off on on her views ect.
free to do freedom of speech
i checked his fb out, hes racist, hes a homophobe. he told my mom he will pray for her in hell ect ect hes being a right dick wad
i sure gave him quite the speech
Sorry about that
I didn't realize it was your mom
Let her know i'm sorry and that she's beautiful


Staff member
Sorry about that
I didn't realize it was your mom
Let her know i'm sorry and that she's beautiful

jed blauw???

lol the guys a fucking tool.
i threw a bunch of bible comments to him, and he just shut up/. had nothing worthy to say so i posted apicture of yoda saying i sense butthurt
i threw quotes about not passing judgement on others to him, the tattoo ones. ect he came back with nothing worthy to say

" I don't hate anyone, just to clear that up. as far as my tattoos go, that's between God and me, if I burn in hell for them, then that is the cost of my sin. Truly God can forgive any sin, even Kermit Gosnell's. Lucky for you ignorance is not a sin, just a handicap. I'm not racist my distrust for our president is from his actions, not the color of his skin."

so his tattoos are betyween god and him but my moms love life is up for talks?


Well-Known Member
And a man that knows himselfhas naught to prove hence makes for a pretty boring dabate. You're wasting your time bro. Have a wonderful weekend.
So I guess I offended this guy, I didn't mean to, I just read his post earlier in the thread and thought I should respond, but instead of saying that I think he is making bad choices, I made a sarcastic comment, now i'm hoping he's not mad so that we're cool. and now I will pray that he quits pot and everything to do with it.


Staff member
So I guess I offended this guy, I didn't mean to, I just read his post earlier in the thread and thought I should respond, but instead of saying that I think he is making bad choices, I made a sarcastic comment, now i'm hoping he's not mad so that we're cool. and now I will pray that he quits pot and everything to do with it.
hahahahahahhah hahahahaha I WILL PRAY FOR YOU

god i love that


Well-Known Member

jed blauw???

lol the guys a fucking tool.
i threw a bunch of bible comments to him, and he just shut up/. had nothing worthy to say so i posted apicture of yoda saying i sense butthurt
i threw quotes about not passing judgement on others to him, the tattoo ones. ect he came back with nothing worthy to say

" I don't hate anyone, just to clear that up. as far as my tattoos go, that's between God and me, if I burn in hell for them, then that is the cost of my sin. Truly God can forgive any sin, even Kermit Gosnell's. Lucky for you ignorance is not a sin, just a handicap. I'm not racist my distrust for our president is from his actions, not the color of his skin."

so his tattoos are betyween god and him but my moms love life is up for talks?
lol, he likes nickelback.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a real winner, is he from Texas? We have a lot of people like that around here.



Staff member
iowa apparently. pretty sad sad sad he is . whelp i did have a good time fucking with him though! ;p