Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Nope never seen shameless either. I'm primarily a history,discovery channel type of guy. Throw in a little pbs nature and some amc and that pretty much rounds out my viewing list.

Kinda fucked up I pay for like three hundred channels on dish but only watch less than a dozen.


New Member
Nope never seen shameless either. I'm primarily a history,discovery channel type of guy. Throw in a little pbs nature and some amc and that pretty much rounds out my viewing list.

Kinda fucked up I pay for like three hundred channels on dish but only watch less than a dozen.
you donny................


Well-Known Member
Nope never seen shameless either. I'm primarily a history,discovery channel type of guy. Throw in a little pbs nature and some amc and that pretty much rounds out my viewing list.

Kinda fucked up I pay for like three hundred channels on dish but only watch less than a dozen.

Yeah we have a zillion channels and watch about a dozen ourselves. Listen, do yourself a favor and watch Shameless from the beginning if you can. There is a UK version and a US version. You want the US version. William H. Macy is seriously genius; his best work. The supporting cast is outstanding, and the story is spot on ghetto troubles/life.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
A few weeks ago I was on here crying about kicking the tub on my way out. I believe Curious2Garden was making fun of me.........

Little bastard (toe next to big toe) has been killing me every since, and it is twice the szie of its matching toe on the other side. I went in today for an x-ray and it was shattered. It's going to take weeks, maybe months to heal and will always be a mess.

It's always funny how you take for granted all that is good while it actuall is; so everyone who doesn't have an ailment, or pain currently, take a deep breath, ponder your well being and appreciate it.
Well you know me if there is smack to be talked or balls to be busted I'm in :) but I seem to remember some of your smack talking juju myself :) LOL

So did they shoot a k-wire into it? Next time you do it (and for me there is almost always a next time). Pull it straight and then tape it to your big toe. I do feel for ya 'cause fingers and toes can be really excruciatingly sensitive, can't they?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Last night I'm out drinking with a buddy and my ex's friend asked where I was so I told her I where I was. 5 min later her new little whatever he is showed up and asked me to talk. The second I step outside he starts hitting me, lol, which is bad for him because he proceeds to have me kick the shit out of him. He walks off spitting blood all lumped up and I thought that was the end of it. Well, I stayed outside looking for my ear gauge on the concrete and my ex comes out of nowhere and just pushes me and starts blasting me, so I push her away. She comes at me AGAIN and keeps hitting me so I pushed her again. This time sirens light up, cops talk to me and the witnesses, she goes to jail and bam. I get to sleep like a baby. She is getting charged with 1st degree domestic violence because we used to be in a relationship. Karma for slashing my tires? Ha, I think so.


Moderatrix of Journals
Hey Ms Kitty! Thanks for the tip! My family has always used the water wings, which look alot like what you posted minus the chest piece. My little one's just shy of 6 months so still alittle while before she goes off on her own. I grabbed this from my work for her to rock for awhile...

oh yeah, we had something like that for our first year too, ours was comparatively boring, that frog is pretty swank. we have awesome pics of baby sleeping in it.... the lulling motion put him out everytime. :lol:


Moderatrix of Journals
A few weeks ago I was on here crying about kicking the tub on my way out. I believe Curious2Garden was making fun of me.........

Little bastard (toe next to big toe) has been killing me every since, and it is twice the szie of its matching toe on the other side. I went in today for an x-ray and it was shattered. It's going to take weeks, maybe months to heal and will always be a mess.

It's always funny how you take for granted all that is good while it actuall is; so everyone who doesn't have an ailment, or pain currently, take a deep breath, ponder your well being and appreciate it.
dude that sucks, hoping for a speedy recovery for you.
my best friend broke my pinky toe when we were teenagers (long story) - it hurt like an SOB and she kept telling me to suck it up (whilst dragging me on a 10km hike the next day). i didn't even realize how bad it was broken until it healed crooked. now i just take pics of every dressy shoe i've blown out at the toe and guilt her with them. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Kodank, that is looney. You need to press charges, and not just for domestic. I believe there are much worse charges for what they did. Think ambush. They called you and came to you to cause bodily injury, plus, there were two of them. Seriously, go to the DA's office and insist on more charges, then get a restraining order (make sure you also mention that she also slashed your tires). While they were in jail, was a good time to return the tire favor.



Staff member
Last night I'm out drinking with a buddy and my ex's friend asked where I was so I told her I where I was. 5 min later her new little whatever he is showed up and asked me to talk. The second I step outside he starts hitting me, lol, which is bad for him because he proceeds to have me kick the shit out of him. He walks off spitting blood all lumped up and I thought that was the end of it. Well, I stayed outside looking for my ear gauge on the concrete and my ex comes out of nowhere and just pushes me and starts blasting me, so I push her away. She comes at me AGAIN and keeps hitting me so I pushed her again. This time sirens light up, cops talk to me and the witnesses, she goes to jail and bam. I get to sleep like a baby. She is getting charged with 1st degree domestic violence because we used to be in a relationship. Karma for slashing my tires? Ha, I think so.
im so sorry this happend to you but ive given you countless amounts of advice you never listen to so...hope all goes well


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, we had something like that for our first year too, ours was comparatively boring, that frog is pretty swank. we have awesome pics of baby sleeping in it.... the lulling motion put him out everytime. :lol:

Lol, I seen what you mean....


Also, on a side note and completely jibber jabber I went into work and unexpectedly got the day off and on my way back home wandered into a tattoo parlor to talk about getting a tattoo and walked out with my first tattoo.

My daughter's nickname, born in a blizzard the day after Christmas... "snowflake"


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Last night I'm out drinking with a buddy and my ex's friend asked where I was so I told her I where I was. 5 min later her new little whatever he is showed up and asked me to talk. The second I step outside he starts hitting me, lol, which is bad for him because he proceeds to have me kick the shit out of him. He walks off spitting blood all lumped up and I thought that was the end of it. Well, I stayed outside looking for my ear gauge on the concrete and my ex comes out of nowhere and just pushes me and starts blasting me, so I push her away. She comes at me AGAIN and keeps hitting me so I pushed her again. This time sirens light up, cops talk to me and the witnesses, she goes to jail and bam. I get to sleep like a baby. She is getting charged with 1st degree domestic violence because we used to be in a relationship. Karma for slashing my tires? Ha, I think so.
Karmas a bitch eh kodank? hope they get probation for like two years. Nothing worse than having to go piss in a cup once a month.
im so sorry this happend to you but ive given you countless amounts of advice you never listen to so...hope all goes well
I don't think he is sorry at all. Sounds like he got the best of em, and they got arrested. Heheh

sounds like justice to me.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Kodank, I would also remember all of the times she came at you with a knife and threatend to blow you up with a pressure cooker. Maybe you should tell them about all of her rants to kill Obama and how she sympathizes with the terorrists. She'll get more attention than she ever wanted and you can feel a little safer knowing that her movements are being tracked.