Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Yes, musta been one hell of a dream. Tore the suspensory ligament. Took almost two months to heal. Scared the shit out of me.

I thought you were kidding until you mentioned the suspensory ligament. I've fooked a blister on "lil elvis" (TM) a few times but never broke anything.
Nothing funny about that shit. The only time in my life I DIDN'T want to get a stiffy. Well, the eighth grade was pretty rough with the surprise boners in every class. I know I told the story about my English teacher making me come to her desk when I had a raging boner. The torn suspensory ligament was very painful, and sad the way it would just hang off to the right like it's peeking around my leg.
Nothing funny about that shit. The only time in my life I DIDN'T want to get a stiffy. Well, the eighth grade was pretty rough with the surprise boners in every class. I know I told the story about my English teacher making me come to her desk when I had a raging boner. The torn suspensory ligament was very painful, and sad the way it would just hang off to the right like it's peeking around my leg.

You have my heartfelt sympathy for having to go through such an ordeal, but now you surely appreciate your natural abilities more? People say when they almost die, things taste better and colors are more vibrant and such..surely after an erection-threatening injury sexual gratification is more pleasurable?
You went too far into the internet.

LOL! Too far. It's for exploring....

I had a most unfortunate episode that involved a moving ten-speed and a parked Volkswagen. cn

My money's on you were riding the 10 speed. Had a similar thing happen while doing a wheelie; watched my wheel roll off in front of me. Hit the pavement on my chin; knocked me unconscious til sometime after dark.
LOL! ^^^^^^ I watched a kid in my grade school class do that on the blacktop at school, only he was riding his little motorcycle that was the envy of every other minority child. We laughed and laughed and laughed
Another night, another day, another chance to try another way. One day I'll beat these nightmares back from where they came. One day I'll be whole.

But today is not that day, and this way not the right way...but one day. I endure.

My nightmares aren't of monsters, but of betrayals. In my heart I know these things will never come to pass, but getting my head to listen is another matter entirely.

Today I feel closer, but I haven't yet arrived where I'm supposed to be. I don't know where it is I'm headed, but when I get there I believe I will once more be free from this darkness plaguing my very being.

Yesterday was not a good day, and this past lonely night was hardly bearable...but I don't have it in me to give up.
Turns out today WAS the day, after all. Buddy hit me up a little awhile ago with a phone call, he had a zip sitting with my name on it, so I scooted on over and snagged that up. I'll sleep well tonight.
^^^Thanks joe.

I just stumbled upon this video and wanted to share....


I thought this shit was real. Scientists giving drugs to spiders.

Was watching with my mom and as soon as the spider built a hammock she said "This is a joke!" and then we laughed at the rest of the video.
I just got a new position at work.Now I work half as many hours but make twice as much. Getting old ain't so bad after all....