Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Ursus marijanus
I was thinking that very thing cn.

I could possibly set something up for them, but mind you it has be on the cheap side of the scale.

If I may pose a query cn...can you make a decent extract from bud that's been dried and stored for say 2-3 months or must you use fresh cuttings?
I think you can make best-quality extract from such bud. Mine has never disappointed me.

Cheap will be tough. You'll need at the very least a grow light and the kWh to run it. Temp and odor management will be highly recommended. Even in its minimal implementation ... it's a hobby. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
I think you can make best-quality extract from such bud. Mine has never disappointed me. Good to know and now I have find the right post to peruse.

Cheap will be tough. You'll need at the very least a grow light {for 2 plants I would require?} and the kWh to run it. Temp and odor management will be highly recommended. {not an issue} Even in its minimal implementation ... it's a hobby. Jmo. cn
Thanks again cn

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I spent the afternoon sewing. It involved a screwdriver, a pair of pliers, a radiator bleed key, three needles, a slab of wood, a Stanley knife and a speaker stand. Got the job done eventually :-)

Steve French

Well-Known Member

The oldest known surviving film. 124 years old. Pretty good watching though. I must've seen it twenty times.


Active Member
With fresh bread? sandwich. Otherwise cereal.

I love waking up in the morning, Tossing a couple of logs into the wood stove and having them flare right up. lighting the first J of the day, surveying the frosty ground and feeling satisfied. Of course the days the stove burns out in the night are not nearly so cheerful in the morning.


Staff member
hmm funny i just had fresh baked bread nomnomnom ....its a wonde ri dont get myself super fat..anywhooo about to have a cup of joe and start the fucking trying to look good process for work

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;Xlk36vgygh4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xlk36vgygh4&playnext=1&list=PL974AF13EA774 10F9&feature=results_video[/video]

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I had huevos rancheros w/ chili rojo. I have my hands wrapped around a hot cup of chai tea when I'm not typing. Brrrr!

meechz 024

Active Member
Anyone wanting to up your coffee making skills, try honey and whipcream w/ no sugar. Honey both inside the coffee and lightly spread over the whipcream on top.


Well-Known Member
I had huevos rancheros w/ chili rojo. I have my hands wrapped around a hot cup of chai tea when I'm not typing. Brrrr!
Just one second... I know you are a gay Mormon mj grower... but are you a gay, Mormon, hispanic mj grower?

I'm about to call bullshit. jk.

I thought maybe Carne Seca was just a joke about drying out meat.. :hump:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Just one second... I know you are a gay Mormon mj grower... but are you a gay, Mormon, hispanic mj grower?
It's a little more complicated than that. My mother was half Latina and half Jicarilla Apache. I'm a quarter. Her family is from Dulce and Blanco and she went to boarding school with mostly Navajos. She spoke fluent Navajo and we have a lot of Navajo relatives. My dad is a 100% grade A cracker. I'm a mixed up mess. :p

Carne Seca is a family nick name because I'm skinny.